10/15/2014 - Wednesday - 11:15 PM

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Today was PSAT testing, but it was optional so I didn't do it. I didn't see the point because I can take the PSAT next year and still have practice for the real SAT.

So Maddox was gone for PSAT testing, he was taking about it in class yesterday. I don't know about Ryan, since I never talk to him.

Haha so when I was in 6th grade, I was finally starting to like realistic fiction books. Before then, I had always hated realistic fiction, and couldn't bring myself to read them. One of the books I read was Flipped. It's a story where this girl likes this guy but the guy ignores her. The girl finally gets over the guy, but now the guy has a huge crush on her. I thought it would be really funny if that happened to me and Ryan because I think I'm finally starting to get over him. But like, if life happens like that book, I'm going to freaking scream. Of frustration.

Anyway for some reason I'm really good at predicting things. Like when Dasha is telling me a Doah story, I practically finish her sentences and predict everything. It's really creepy and Dasha thinks so too. It's the same with movies, I can just not shut up during movies, I keep talking the whole time, predicting things.

Once I was watching Grave Encounters with Dasha and I kept on taking the whole time like, no no no no you'll die if you go there and Dasha was just like, SHUT UP ALREADY! It was really funny.

So moral of the day I'm psychic. Okay I know that's not a moral, whatever.

Ooohhhhh I love the wattpad update, now I can post pics from my tablet, so expect a lot more pics from now on. K bye.

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