11/8/14 - Saturday

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12:31am 11/08/14
Sonja is back.
I do not keep secrets there's just some things that are totally unnecessary to tell because it's not even important. Any ways so today a girl who I didn't even know apparently left our school went to another one then came back today. I don't want to say her name yet, but Lina can if she wants. I honestly personally don't really know her but I will admit I have talked to her before when I first moved here. She was nice then, but I don't know now. I haven't talked to her today, well yesterday. But now she's back and in our (lina and mine) choir, and walking/Jogging (basically gym). I'm not really sure how to feel about it, because her locker is now near mine in locker room and if you read about what happened with the other chick then you know why I'm very hesitant right now. Also this girl who came back is blonde hair, very long eyelashes or well just noticeable eyelashes?, skinny (to me), I think blue eyes, maybe gray?, like I said I don't know her well but I do know she's good at getting what she wants and is sort of a girly girl? I think that's the word but yeah. I think she's nice, but I don't really know her well so I can't be quick to judge from the "rumours"  I've heard from people. I'm going to go sketch like usual. I honestly don't know why I wrote this but it's what ever. Update you later today possibly. Good night/morning. 
Random side note: this picture I added is so true. But some guys are so stupid XD

Lina's POV

OMG I died when I saw that pic that's with this update XD. It totally relates. I have hiccups right now, and I'm procrastinating again, oops. I just want to say that I'm putting my story in for the Wattys this year, so please spread the word and help me in this! I know I probably won't win, but let's try anyway! Yay okay, so I'm putting this story as completed now, and will be making grammar edits to my already uploaded entries. Bye guys, see you in a few months! I think my new updates will be in a new book, so fan me and keep watching for my new book. Also I follow back fanners! Bye, and see you in my new book! 

Unresolved/ Things that I'm anticipating in life:

-Will I ever stop procrastinating?

-Will I ever get over Ryan?

-Will Ryan ever like me?

-What about Maddox? What's up with him?

-Is Dasha lying or not? And if she isn't, what's up with Lawrence and Sammy?


*UPDATE, The new book will be called The Dairy of this Weird Teenage Girl (Book 2)*

*Another update, I have now changed this book to "Love Moderately" because that is practically the theme of this book. My second book has a new title also, it being, "Keep Your Friends Close, But Your Enemies Closer."

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