9/13/2014 - Saturday - 3:19 PM

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So yesterday was interesting. Yup looking back at it now, it really was an eventful day.

So my outfit (this will come into the story later) was a black tank top with a blue jacket on top. And I had black skinny jeans.
So in gym Debi talked to Maddox. She was like,"One of my friend's only got one crunch on that physical test." AKA ME. And he asked who so Debi told him it was me. Not that I care. Seriously I don't. My stomach should only be used for eating. Not having muscles. That's why I eat a lot. Haha.

So there's that. Then in 3rd period, my class learned that I go to Japanese school. Not that I care of course. It just slipped out. Then my math teacher got really curious and was like, I'll ask you only one question about it... for today.

Them 4th period. Oh my god. This is superrr weird.

K so, we saw a blimp outside, and some of the people on the other side of the room wanted to see it. So some of the guys, including Maddox, went to the window to look for it. On the way back to his seat, he accidentally knocked my planner and book off my desk. So he said, "Oh sorry." Then he started to pick it up. So I get out of my seat and bend down to help him, but since it's only 2 things, he's already done. Then he gets up reallyyyyy slowww. And I said, "What are you doing?" with a puzzled expression on my face, and he gets up, gives me the stuff, and goes back to his seat, which is right across from mine. 
In the class, there's a big space on the middle for the teacher to walk around, and the desks face each other so that we can see the teacher pace in front of us. And Maddox sits right across from me (Yay!).

So, being me, I'm like, why did he do that? I'm just a naturally curious person, so before he even sits down, I'm thinking that. Then a few seconds later, I come to a conclusion and I think I may have been slightly blushing.

Reason #1: boobage. That's all I'm saying. Well not really. Think about what I told you I was wearing in the beginning of this chapter. If I bend over, or a guy that's taller than me looks down, they'll get a nice view of my boobs. And Maddox had both. So that was my first conclusion.

Reason #2: he's just messing with me. That could be a reason. He's a natural jokester so maybe he was just messing with me. I don't know though, the first one sounds more reasonable, but at the same time it doesn't.

Anyway in 5th period, we were reviewing for a test. And my teacher does it so that if you get the question right, he will throw a ball at the person who is not paying attention on your team. And my teacher missed and the ball was next my feet. So picked it up and tried to throw it to the teacher. Keyword: tried. Instead of making it to the teacher, it hit the ceiling and hit some guy's head. Well I didn't throw it too far from the teacher, since the guy was right in front of him. But lol kinda awkward.

Oh and there's this guy named Jake and he has a twin brother Drew. And we had to grade a random person in my class's homework. Guess who got mine? Yup it was Jake. It was kind of funny, I was thinking before getting my test back,  like I wonder who got my test? Ha it'd be funny if it was Jake. And then it was. At least I only missed 2. Cuz like, he's kinda cute. Which is awkward because his twin is identical. But me being the detailed person I am, I can already tell who's who.

*sigh* So that was my day yesterday. It as awkward but awesome at the same time. So yay? K bye.

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