ii. canopy bed

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Taehyung was awoken by soft sounds of crackling- like when one starts a fire, he then realized it was coming from outside. The human looked around, only to frown as he found himself in an unfamiliar dark colored room.

The walls were dark grey, the furniture inside were either black or grey and the elegant canopy bed taehyung was currently sitting on was in a deep shade of red. The room screamed depression and sadness, though it was aesthetically pleasing.

Taehyung closed his eyes, trying to recall recent events as to how he got here. Just then, his eyes snapped open and his dark orbs started shaking comically. The human frantically scanned the room, looking for any possible exit.

The pretty male's eyes landed on the grand black double door in front of him. He heaved a sigh and bolted towards the wooden door, hands desperately fumbled with the doorknob. Tears started to pool on his eyes as the doorknob wouldn't budge. It was obvious that the door was locked from the outside.

The poor human choked out a sob, his knees wobbly falling to the ground. Taehyung held his knees close to his body and he dumped his head on it, crying loudly.

"Please.. please.." Taehyung pleaded, his plea pertaining to no one in particular. All he wants is just to get out of this hell room. At this point, Taehyung knew this was literally a hell room. The human knew where he was, but he didn't want to admit. He didn't want to let himself lose hope, he didn't want any of this.

The weeping human turned around, kneeling in front of the door. He banged his small fist onto the wooden door, not caring even if it hurts. "Help! Someone help me!" Taehyung shouted, desperate to get out. He felt suffocated, as if the air was slowly seeping out of his lungs.

"Help! Is someone there? Please let me out!"

He begged.

"Please! Can someone hear me?"

Taehyung begged more.

"Please! Help me out!"

And begged even more.

But there was nothing, silence answers him. Taehyung felt his throat dry, his fist numb as he turned red and swollen. The human did his very best, he even felt that the door would crumble down due to his loud banging, but nothing happened.

Taehyung crawled towards the bed, tears continuously running down his as he sobbed and sobbed. The human buried his face onto the pillow and screamed in frustration and sadness.

As his cries died down, his last bit of hope also went tumbling down. Taehyung kept letting out hiccups, he would even choke on his own sob from time to time.

A sound from the door made his head jolt up. His eyes stayed fixed on the doorknob as it slowly turned. Eventually, the door opened, revealing a very familiar scary creature. The devil held the same expression from when taehyung met him, raged and stern.

"Are you trying to break my door, human?!" The devil yelled out, voice lacing with anger and dominance. His thick brows were furrowed, his cherry red lips were pressed into an angry scowl, his prominent jawline showed that he was clenching his jaw.

Taehyung shivered at the mere sight of him, he forced himself to sat up and crawl backwards. He eventually felt the wall against his back. Taehyung managed to let out an answer.

"Y-you were there all a-along?" He questioned, voice cracking from all the screaming he did. It was also obvious that he was hurt, he kept begging but the devil just stayed quiet and listened to his misery.

"Yes, I was. Be grateful I didn't bang the door on your face." The devil in front of let out. Taehyung tried his best to suppress a scoff. Thankfully, he stayed silent and just stared at the creature in front of him in disbelief.

"Now, get out of my fucking bed." The devil ordered sternly as he crossed his arms against of his broad chest. The king cocked an eyebrow up as he noticed the human staying motionless.

The devil clicked his tongue, the pink haired just staring at him with shaky orbs. "Are fucking deaf, human?!" He growled out. Taehyung flinched at his sudden loud voice and immediately complied.

The human stood awkwardly beside the bed. His head hung low, refusing to meet the stern gaze of the devil in front of him, his body trembled in fear and tears threatened to ran down.

"Namjoon!" The king suddenly yelled out, causing for Taehyung to flinch again. Grey smokes appeared in front of the devil and soon another demon was standing before him.

"Yes, sire?" Namjoon bowed politely, showing great respect for the king. The devil hummed in acknowledgement as Namjoon raised his head.

"Take this human to another room." The God of Hades demanded. His gaze landed at Taehyung whom was still trembling in fear. Namjoon nodded and grabbed Taehyung's arm tightly, dragging him out of the room.

The human flinched at the sudden grip but let himself be dragged away, because he wanted to be out of the devil's sight. He needed to be taken away from that room as soon as possible or else he might collapse.

Taehyung was taken to another room. The room had a single black wooden door, the canopy bed was grey- although it was smaller compared to the one he laid at before, there was a couch that was also grey, a small wooden table and a medieval looking wooden cabinet.

"This is your new room. I'll be going now. If you need anything, tell the guard outside to call for Park Jimin." Namjoon said in a cold and stern voice, though it was a lot better than the devil's. The demon was about to leave when the human called out for him.

"Wait!" Taehyung called out. Namjoon had looked back at him over his shoulders before humming in response. The human hesitated before he closed his eyes and asked;

"W-where am I?"

The answer he got was enough to make him feel hopeless. The very last bit of hope inside his body quickly vanished as soon as the demon answered with a smirk.

"You're in hell. Welcome to Hades, human."


a/n: aaack, i'm obsessed with this book. please stay safe! the virus is spreading, eat healthy foods, okay?

info: hades is another term for hell. the king of the underworld is named hades, thus, it was named after him.

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