ix. perhaps a softie

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Taehyung's eyes shined in excitement as he read a book. The pretty boy was currently inside the big library. His doe eyes sparkled with interest, as if he hasn't seen red the last time he was at the library.

It has been two days since his encounter with the bitchy nymph Minthe. Yesterday, Taehyung got really curious about nymphs, he wondered if they were powerful creatures.

Jimin had came to his room yesterday. He informed him that he had gotten the king's permission to the library after many pleas and begs. Although the struggle to ask the devil was surely stressing, it later on vanished when he saw the cute look on the human's happy face.

Taehyung had thanked him over and over again. Finally, he was not stuck in his room anymore. He had grinned at the demon with a silent question inside his mind. How could a demon be so nice?

Perhaps, his kind act was just an act. But Taehyung really didn't care if that was to be to true. At least he's being treated nicely, even if it was fake. As long as they don't do anything bad to him, he's good. Besides, it was his first time to be treated kindly. No one really talked to him back in the overworld, well that was unless you'd consider his father's endless angry yells as a definition of talking.

With that thought in mind, Taehyung had skipped to the library. His curiosity got the best of him and he had started to search for books about nymphs. When he had read the contents, he almost laughed so loud. But he knew better so he settled with adorable mocking giggles.

Because written inside the book was the information that nymphs were the lowest creatures. Even lower than humans. Taehyung bit his lip at that time in an attempt to stop his loud mocking laugh. Thankfully, he had succeeded and he continued on reading books all day.

Currently, Taehyung was reading a romantic novel about two males falling in love. He was a sucker for romantic books and really, just anything romantic.

He had once dreamed of having a loving boyfriend beside him. He dreamed of having a family and having a great fairy tale like life. Sure, he didn't have a father who showered him with love, but that didn't stop him from dreaming of being treated like the most fragile yet beautiful person on Earth.

But it seemed like he was not going to find the love of his life anytime soon. He was stuck inside a different realm after all. With that in mind, reality suddenly dawned on him.

Taehyung huffed in annoyance at the thought, a groan soon followed. He harshly closed the book. His feet stomped the wooden floor and an angry scowl made its way to his beautiful face.

He bit his lip in irritation. How was he going to get back? Yes, he didn't even have a life back in the overworld but that didn't mean he wanted to live in another damned world. Tears pooled on his eyes, he finally realized his harsh reality.

He didn't want to spend his life inside hell. He's in hell for god's sake! Was he forever going to live with demons? With grim reapers and other supernatural creatures he didn't even know?

Sobs echoed throughout the big library. Crystal clear tears fell into the cover of the book he was reading before. He placed his arms on the table and rested his head atop his arms.

His body shook uncontrollably with every sob that left his pink swollen lips. Just when he had thought everything about his life was messed up, a loud yet cute bark interrupted his breakdown.

Taehyung lifted his head, baffled. And once he did, his gaze landed upon the cutest yet most horrifying thing he had seen in his entire life.

It was a cute horrifying dog with three heads! Oddly enough, the pink haired male giggled through his tears at the cute dog staring innocently at him. He reached his hand out, the dog bravely sniffing it.

He giggled even more when the dog had licked his palm. He stood up from his seat and crouched down. His tears no longer cascaded down, but his cheeks and eyes were the evidence of his breakdown.

"Hey there buddy, what's your name?" He baby talked and caressed at the dog's middle head. He didn't know this was how dogs looked like in hell. Was the dog in hell because it bit many people in its past life?


Taehyung knitted his brows together. He stared at the dog that had its tongue stuck out as it enjoyed his caresses. His face showed confusion.

"You can talk?" The pink haired male asked, the dog only whimpered in delight because of his touch. But then, a growl suddenly interrupted the human. It wasn't from the dog.

"Did you really just compare my voice to a dog's?! And stop petting Cerberus! I'll have you know he can brutally kill you!" Jeongguk's loud booming voice suddenly echoed throughout the whole library. So it wasn't the dog who talked, it was the king.

Taehyung smirked, a thought came to his mind. Since he was so irritating when he picked that nymph over him the other day, it's just fair to tease the king a little.

"Well it's not my fault your voice is so irritatingly high pitched like a dog's bark." That wasn't true though. Jeongguk's voice was deep that has his knees buckling in submission. But he won't let the king now that. Nope, not a chance.

Taehyung saw how the king's right brow twitched in rage and how the king turned his hand into fists. That made the pink haired male smile in victory.

"Just kidding! Stop being so angry all the time. I think a smile on your face would really suit you!" Taehyung's smirk turned into a grin as he stared at the king. He didn't want to get locked up inside his room all day again.

And to his dismay, he has to stick to little teases for now as he didn't want to enrage the devil again.

The king just rolled his eyes at him, which was honestly so hot in Taehyung's opinion. Jeongguk turned his gaze towards him, about to retort back something rude but then something suddenly halted him.

Taehyung didn't know why, but once the king's eyes landed on his face the devil seemed to have frozen. Was there something on his face? Was it because his swollen eyes and tear-stained cheeks made him so ugly?

Suddenly, Jeongguk turned his heel and walked away, a whistle left his cupid lips and the cute dog turned into something even cuter. Its heads were no longer three but instead just one.

It turned into a small cute dog with a mesh of different shades of brown and black as the color of its fur. The dog barked cutely at Taehyung, the human giggled and pulled the dog onto his lap.

The pink haired male turned his head upwards, he was about to compliment the devil for having such a cute and cool dog. But he frowned when he noticed that Jeongguk was no longer there.

He shrugged it off and played with Cerberus the whole day. He had actually named the dog Yeontan. But he would only call him that when the cute dog is in his cute form.

Sadly, the dog ran away from him in the middle of the day. Taehyung just shrugged, maybe he was called by Jeongguk. He had no idea how hell dogs worked after all.

But even without Yeontan slash Cerberus' presence, he was okay. Because maybe, just maybe, staying in hell wasn't so bad after all.

Later that day, Taehyung giggled to himself inside the library as he saw that the word Cerberus actually meant spots in english. Perhaps, the devil really was just a softie inside his cold hearted facade.


a/n: i said i wouldn't update today because my hand hurts. but meh, i couldn't help it.

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