xxv. gamble freak

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inspired by: kakegurui.

Taehyung knew he was being selfish and as Jeongguk called him; 'bratty'.

Snapping at the ravenette like that wasn't that great of an idea. He knew that Jeongguk and Minthe had a thing going on, yet he was a fool to fall for him.

Perhaps, his sadness got the best of him and made him snap at Jeongguk like that. He shouldn't hate him, really, it wasn't his fault. Well, partially, it was.

Jeongguk flirted with him, made him feel loved and special, chose him as a queen to stay by side, yet he still went up to Minthe and made out with her.

Maybe he was selfish, but for once can't he just think of himself first before others? All his life, he had been putting others before him. It was always his father first and not himself.

Part of him regretted all of what he said yesterday, but a greater part of him found ease. He was somewhat thankful that he did that. He was relived that he finally let all of his feelings out instead of bottling them up.

It was like any other day, Taehyung was watering the flowers and trimming withered parts from them. He hummed softly as he crouched and scanned for dead leaves.

Fortunately, there wasn't. He stood up with a sigh, satisfied with his work. If there weren't dead parts, it only meant he was taking good care of them.

Taehyung stretched his limbs, sighing at the satisfying pops from his bones. He walked over to a bench and grabbed his book, ready to leave.

He took one last glance at his garden, a small smile dancing on his lips. Taehyung hummed, happy with his work. He then turned around and walked to the palace.

Taking care of the flowers reduced his heartache and honestly, it had been his distraction from the pain all this time. As well as reading, he loved gardening to the bottom of his heart.

There was just something about the light dance of the flowers whenever the cold wind passes by, the nice calming smell they give off, the vibrant color of them and their uniqueness that puts Taehyung at ease.

The pink haired stepped foot onto the palace grounds, brows knitting together when a servant accidentally bumped into him. "Oh my, I'm so sorry!" She quickly bowed and then dashed away, not realizing that she bumped into the future queen.

Still in confusion, Taehyung shrugged it aside and continued on his way. It was then he noticed frantic servants, guards and practically everyone from the palace rushing to one direction. He furrowed his brows even more, wondering what was happening.

Then he saw Jimin walking with the small crowd, a small smirk playing on his lips. Taehyung tried to quickly ran to him, keyword; tried. Running in his weak state wasn't really that possible.

So instead, he jogged up to him and tapped his shoulder. Jimin turned to him, his smirk being replaced with a light smile. "Yes, Taehyung?" He asked.

Taehyung smiled at what Jimin had called him. The demon had called him 'queen' one time and the pink haired was quick to correct him.

"What's going on?" He asked as he walked with Jimin, not knowing where they were headed to. A smirk made its way back to Jimin's lips as he turned to face the pink haired.

"Ahn Yumejin, one of the smartest demons in the palace, a gamble freak, has challenged the king to a match." He announced, Taehyung's heart aching at the mention of his name. "Seriously, how daring. He even invited everyone to watch." Jimin continued, shaking his head.

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