xxxviii. a rare sight

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It had been two weeks since the two came back to the underworld. It was enough time to heal and move on. Though their wounds weren't completely healed, they have stopped bleeding.

There was something odd about Hades today. The usually freezing air was a bit warmer, as well as the thick dark clouds which were clearer. It somehow felt peaceful and a lot less eerie.

Taehyung stared up at the sky, his full brows furrowed cutely. "What's wrong with Hades today?" He whispered to himself, finding it super odd to see hell with a warm atmosphere.

"What's troubling your pretty head, petal?" He heard Jeongguk's voice behind him, as a pair of strong arms claimed his waist. A smile immediately planted itself on his pink lips, unconsciously leaning against Jeongguk's broad chest.

"Look ahead, Gukkie. Isn't this a bit weird for Hades?" He asked, closing his eyes and enjoying the unusual warm air. Jeongguk hummed and started to kiss the soft skin of his shoulder.

Taehyung shivered, biting his lip but pulling away. This earned a confused look from the other. "Is something wrong, petal?" Jeongguk asked with a baffled look on his face.

The pretty boy bit his lip, feeling guilty for his cold act. It was just so confusing. They kept doing things they shouldn't do. They weren't a couple, were they? If so, then he needed a confirmation so badly.

If he were to ask himself, what were they? He wouldn't know what to answer. They weren't exactly friends. Normal friends don't eat each others' faces. But they weren't exactly together.

All of this was causing a turmoil in his mind. It was just frustrating, not knowing where they stand. But he was still convincing himself, it was fine. A simple confirmation, he just needed to wait for that.

Taehyung faked a smile, "I'm hungry! Let's go eat, Gukkie." He whined, trying to change the subject. The ravenette stared at him skeptically, oh no. He pouted and started walking away, he was really hungry.

He left the room, feeling Jeongguk trailing behind him. He sighed silently, why was this so confusing.


Jeongguk stared at Taehyung with furrowed brows as they ate. Did he do something wrong? Fuck, did he actually? Well, it was true that he comes back to their room quite late at night. Most times Taehyung was already asleep.

But he was just busy with work. He had suddenly left the kingdom two weeks ago and had to take a break for a few days to spend time for his baby, of course he had shit ton of catching up to do.

Hm, maybe it was because he stole Taehyung's last sausage this breakfast. Actually no, that would be stupid. But then if it was true, he just called Taehyung's reasoning stupid.

He sighed silently, his gaze dropping to his food, which was untouched and was probably getting cold. By now, Taehyung should've already scolded him and told him to eat. Which would always make his heart melt. But it looked like Taehyung was too lost in his own world.

There were alone inside the dining room, having Taehyung request that they eat early. The Demons of the Gates were still on duty. He sighed once more, dropping his utensils, creating a high pitched sound to break the thick silence between them.

"Is there something wrong, petal?" He asked, staring at Taehyung dead on the eye. Taehyung froze on his seat, eyes widened, as if he was a deer caught on headlights. That was when Jeongguk knew, something was wrong.

The pink haired beauty looked down and started fiddling with his fingers. "Taehyung?" He once again tried, getting really worried. The aforementioned male shot his head up, Jeongguk knew that he had realized he was being serious. He rarely ever called him by his name.

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