xxiii. not so empty

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Days went by, feeling lonely. Jeongguk and Taehyung still haven't talked yet. The two of them ignored each other, even refusing to just glance at one another.

The pink haired's days were lonely. It felt like he went back to his first few days in the underworld. He spent most of his nights crying, just like he used to. His days were dull, for Jeongguk's rare smiles and laughter no longer brightened them.

Sure, Jimin was there by his side. He was a great company at first, but he wasn't enough. The demon didn't have bunny smiles. He didn't have the devil's dark eyes which Taehyung sometimes caught looking fondly at him.

Jimin wasn't Jeongguk.

He knew that. It wasn't like he was comparing them. Jimin was merely a friend to him, a good company. He just couldn't help but long for the devil's features.

Jeongguk's soft smiles which didn't suit his body and demeanor, but that was what he liked about them. The devil was like a cute child trapped in a scary demon's body.

Perhaps, he was just over-analyzing things. Maybe it was just his heart, trolling him and making him go crazy for missing the ravenette. Because, he was there, longing for Jeongguk's presence, while the ravenette probably didn't even think of him.

Heck, he saw Jeongguk with Minthe the other day. Why was he such a fool?

Yes, he knew he was over-reacting. But what can he do? The stupid mate bond exaggerated his feelings! His body was aching to touch and feel Jeongguk. He wanted to hear his voice and to feel his touch. Does the ravenette feel the same?

Surely, it wasn't just him who was getting affected by the bond. Because fuck, their bond only grew stronger when they spent so much time together.

Then again, back to the time he passed out, Jeongguk did say he wasn't that affected because he was a demon. Now, that was unfair.

Taehyung convinced himself, that his emotions were just caused by the bond. Sure, it hurt so much to experience his first ever heartbreak, but it didn't hurt that much to make him depressed.

So, yes, the bond was the only explanation that made sense.

"Taehyung!" In the distance, he heard Jimin's voice call him. He lifted his head, turning his gaze away from the book he was reading. A smile crept onto his lips as he closed his book.

"Jimin? What's up?" He asked, wondering what the demon wanted from him. He heard that he had been in an important meeting. Which was extremely weird, council meetings were held early morning, it was already late at night.

"What do you mean 'what's up'?!" Jimin exclaimed, face red from running. The pink haired furrowed his brows. Did he forget something?

"It's pass dinner time you idiot!" The demon breath out when Taehyung still didn't get it. The pink haired's lips turned into an 'o'.

That was another problem of his. Ever since their little argument, or as he calls it, their 'seperation', his body felt weak and he had no appetite. So, he just chose not to eat. He does eat during lunch and breakfast (though barely), but he just couldn't get himself to eat more during dinner.

He knew he shouldn't starve himself, and he won't let it get to that point. Whenever he looked at the mirror, he frowned at the dark circles that littered his under eyes. He pouted whenever he noticed that his body lost weight. He couldn't control it and he hated it.

Of course he knew it was the bond's fault. Jeongguk better feel guilty for this. Though, he hadn't seen the ravenette even once when they eat. He was always absent, making him feel worried. But then again, maybe the devil was eating with Minthe, who knows.

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