v. human's purpose

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Inside the elegant room, Taehyung's body was laid down on the bed. His eyes were staring into space, lips formed into a small frown and body curled into a ball. He had been thinking about life, questioning his life existence.

"Remember this, Taehyung. You are mine and mine only. Got it?"

The voice of the devil that he recently came to know the name of, rang in his head. He emitted a long sigh, all he wanted was a good life, and yet, everything seemed to be against that.

A small smile formed on Taehyung's lips, he remembered a vivid memory from his mind. It was his childhood, his grandma was telling him a story. Just because of this, he could feel his worries fade away.

"Wakie wakie, Taetae-ah~" And then in a mere second, Taehyung was back to his miserable life again. A whine escaped his lips, turning on the bed.

"Oh come on, wake up." The familiar voice yet again requested. One could clearly hear the pout along with it.

"Ugh, what..?" Taehyung questioned, his voice sounded so done and his eyes stared into space as he realized his shitty situation. What did he do to deserve this?

"Aw, Taetae are you sad? C'mere, Chimchim will take good care of you~" Jimin sing songed, he made grabby hands to the other boy. The sleepy boy just sighed, he sat up and sent a small smile to the demon. Why was he acting cute all of a sudden?

"I'm okay Jimin, and I wasn't sleeping you know." The georgeous male let out, he didn't want his only friend here to worry. "So, what brought you here?" Taehyung asked with a little sigh.

"Right. The council must meet you, dress up into something nice. If I'm not mistaken, the closet there is filled with nice clothes already. Dress up fast, the king is very impatient if I must say." Jimin stated, a frown painted on his plump lips at the thought of displeasing the king.

Taehyung just nodded, too tired to even answer. The demon strode towards the door and left the human by himself.

A sigh left the human's plump lips as he stood up. Why was the council meeting him anyways?

"Council? The fuck is this, historical times type of shit?" The pretty boy gasped, surprised at the amount of curses that just left his mouth. Taehyung silently begged for forgiveness to however was up there.

Hell was surely taking a toll on him.


"Finally, it feels like I've waited for eternity." Jimin jokingly exclaimed, a giggle soon followed. The demon took steps forward as Taehyung walked beside him.

"Why did the council want to meet me? And what's a council? Like the historical type of thing?" The human bombered, doe eyes looked at Jimin as he patiently waited for an answer.

"The council helps in decision making for the palace. A ministry if you would. Oh, and of course, sire will also be there." Jimin stated, eyes trained directly at the pretty human.

"O-oh." The poor male let out, he gulped unknowingly. An unknown feeling settled in his stomach.

"Here we are." Jimin announced enthusiastically. This made Taehyung gulped down a lump that had formed in his throat.

"Greetings, sire." The God of Anxiety greeted respectfully. There were many demons, their seat arranged vertically along the sides. Jeongguk acknowledged the greeting with a nod. The king was sat atop his throne, chin held high.

The human followed Jimin like a lost child, he felt small under the stares of the demons. His head hung low, he tried to set the stares aside.

The demon took a seat on one of the chairs on the left side. Taehyung though, was hesitant to take a seat. The boy obviously looked nervous, he was trembling a bit.

"Take a seat, Tae." Jimin let out, a soft smile on his lips as he gestured to a chair just beside his. The human wondered, how could a demon be this kind?

Taehyung did what he was told. As soon as his butt landed on the chair, he immediately sank down, afraid of the stares.

"Greetings, everyone." A demon with long ears and white hair spoke out. She looked old compared to other demons.

"You have all been summoned here to discuss about the matter of a human that recently entered the realm of the dead. May you please start, sire?" She politely asked the king. Taehyung, upon hearing the demon spoke, bit his lips and looked down. His body started to tremble in fear.

"As you know, I have brought the human because of his... strange abilities." The king started to speak, his voice faltered at the last part. He sounded unsure about something.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, is that why he was brought here? What 'strange abilities'?

"I have been out, searching for Thanatos, when this human appeared, seemingly a victim of the God of Death. I could have just gone back but there were a few complications. The boy was able to see me even though I was invisible to the human's eye." The council gasped at their king's statement. The human, who sat quietly, furrowed his eyebrows even more.

That was the problem? If he knew that then he could've just pretended to be blind!

"Have you found out the reason, Elder Shu?" Jeongguk, asked the demon who spoke earlier. Elder shu turned to him, a smile on her face.

"Of course, sire." She replied.

"And with the help of past fates, we were able to know the reason of the human's strange feature." Elder Shu started which ignited a fire of anticipation inside Taehyung's stomach.

What was the reason?

"The human was offered to sire. He was bound to serve the king."


a/n: i finally updated, yay!
i feel like my writing suddenly became shitty :(

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