vi. spice and thrill

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"The human was offerred to sire. He was bound to serve the king."

Everyone sat silent. No one was able to comprehend the shock, especially a certain pink head. Jeongguk, on the other hand, showed no reaction at all. He stayed calm and collected, as if the sudden news was just nothing. Though, there was a sliver of confusion in his expression.

"What are you saying, Elder Shu?" The king asked, wanting the elder to explain more. There were so many questions that floated around Taehyung's head. So he anticipated the answer, wanting to know the reason.

"Well you see, sire, Kim Taehyung's grandmother was the one behind this." Elder Shu explained, shocking Taehyung even more. He stood up, ready to protest.

"What?! But that's-"

"Silence! How dare you interrupt, human!" Jeongguk's dominant voice echoed throughout the room. Taehyung sat back on his seat, a whimper leaving his plump lips. The king's voice was too scary for him. Where was the confidence he had earlier during breakfast?

He wanted that back. He needed that. But his attempts of bringing his confidence back were futile.

When Jimin noticed Jeongguk's hard glare headed towards Taehyung, he leaned sideways and whispered to the boy's ear, "Taehyung-ah, say sorry. Sire doesn't look too happy."

"I-I'm sorry.." The strawberry haired male immediately apologized, afraid to anger the demon king even more. He saw Jeongguk's wrath once, and he didn't like that one bit. He didn't even know if that was the king's anger. Maybe he was just irritated the first time they met. Taehyung shivered at the thought of Jeongguk being furious.

It was just, at the mention of his diseased grandma, his only source of energy and happiness, it angered him a bit. How dare they accuse his grandmother. His granny wouldn't do anything like that.


"Is it Sohwa you are speaking of?" Hades asked, his eyebrows no longer furrowed in anger and his face looked emotionless like before. Elder Shu nodded her head. Meanwhile, Taehyung knitted his brows together.

"I suppose you already know the rest of the story, sire." Elder Shu let out. The devil nodded his head and leaned back on his throne, seemingly deep in thought. The devil knew Taehyung's grandmother?

"Very well then. Let us proceed." Elder Shu had nodded her head towards another demon beside her before seating down.

The demon Elder Shu gestured to stood up. Taehyung assumed she was also an Elder. "Now, the most important question is, what are we going to do with the human?" The demon let out.

"Are there any suggestions?" Hades asked the council, his eyes scanned the crowd as he waited for an answer. A demon raised his hand, he stood up after getting a nod from the king.

"How about we just let him go and let the fates delete his memories?" The demon questioned, his eyes glanced at the king's before quickly glancing away. Of course, no one would maintain eye contact with the devil. Well, unless if you're out of your fucking mind.

"Elder Kang." Hades merely said, his hand waved, as if it was a silent 'I don't fucking have time for this idiotic bullshit. Please fucking explain.'

Elder Kang had glanced at him before nodding her head. "Well, let me explain it for you. The fates, doesn't allow removing just anyone's memories. They would only permit to do so if it is absolutely necessary. One's mind could get damaged, making the person insane during the process. Especially if it is done to a human." She explained as she emphasized words. Taehyung gulped at that statement.

The demon from earlier had gulped before nodding his head. Elder Kang saw this expression and scowled. "Although, I do appreciate your suggestion. And surely, sire does as well."

The demon had visibly relaxed before slumping down his seat with a small sigh. Elder Kang returned to her seat with a small bow towards the king.

"Head of the Elders, Elder Han, surely you have got a solution for this, yes?" Jeongguk questioned sternly, his piercing black eyes trained towards the said elder demon.

"U-unfortunately, we have got no solution for the matter yet, sire." Elder Han answered, his voice wavering. Upon noticing the harsh look on his king, Elder Han hastily stood up.

"I- we sincerely apologize, sire." He apologized, his back tilted into a full bow. He was afraid to anger the king. Hades didn't even order them to think of a solution. Now the king would go demanding for an answer?

Yes, they are demons, but they're not wizards who can always know the king's needs. Perhaps, they failed. But it wasn't entirely their fault this time.

Jeongguk slammed his fists on the handle of his throne. The whole council flinched at this, well except for five demons. Elder Han stayed on his spot, his back started to hurt.

"You have failed me, Elder Han." Hades commented, a dangerous tone within his voice. His head snapped towards a male demon sat on the right side.

"Namjoon, take Elder Han to Tartarus. He shall spend the rest of the day there." The whole council gasped at this. Though it wasn't really much of a surprise when it comes to the king but still, the devil really is unpredictable.

"Yes, sire." Namjoon, the demon obliged. He had gripped onto elder han before dragging the demon away. Although, trembling in fear, Elder Han knew better. He shouldn't protest, for it will only anger the king even more. So, he let himself be carried away.

"J-jimin, what's Tartarus?" Taehyung asked curiously. Doe eyes stared at the demon's.

"Tartarus, a mountain for those who will be punished. Many powerful demons reside there to get tortured. If a human like you were to venture up there, I'm afraid you wouldn't make it out of there alive. But fear not for Elder Han is a powerful demon. Surely, a day in Tartarus is a piece of cake for him." The demon smiled, he tried to reassure the human. Because he knew for sure that the kind boy is worried.

"Oh, can I ask one more question?" Taehyung carefully asked once again. Jimin had smiled before nodding his head.

"Who is-"

The gorgeous male was interrupted by the king. Jeongguk cleared his throat and took a deep breath as he settled back to his throne.

"I'm afraid the human has to stay here until a solution is thought of." Hades announced, voice void of any emotion just like his face.

The aforementioned human gulped at the statement. Is it really the best decision to stay here? Its not like he has a life in the overworld, so why not give his boring life a little bit of spice and thrill?


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