xxxi. the brutal devil

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warning: a bit of horror and gore.

It was dark, like any other day in Hades. But this time, it felt different. The vibe of the realm was extremely gloomy, as if it was mourning over something.

The wind was cold, making every lowly demon tremble uncontrollably. It was a bad day, even worse than the underworld's usual atmosphere.

But a certain nymph paid no attention to that. For she had something very important to do. There was a smirk on her face, it had been painted to her lips since almost a week ago.

She felt good. She was victorious, she knew that. So with her chin held high, Minthe walked towards the Soulsand Valley, her hips swaying to an inaudible beat.

It had been three days since her meet up with Thanatos. And she was so sure that the aforementioned demon would agree. Of course he would, no one can resist such offer.

Or at least, that was what she kept repeating to herself. Truth be told, she was extremely anxious, to the point where she thought the God of Anxiety was playing with her.

But she pushed any negative thoughts aside and kept walking. She clenched her teeth as the wind howled, her frame shaking. Cons of being a nymph, was that she had lower body temperature.

As she grew closer, she could see a faint outline of a demon. Since it was darker than usual, it was hard to see who it was. The thick fog around the valley wasn't much of a help either.

Minthe could hardly make out two figures, standing in a distance. Thinking it was a company of Thanatos, she shrugged and rushed towards them.

The wind blew once again, her hair dancing along. She hugged herself and rubbed her arms in an attempt of warming herself up. It didn't work though.

Frustrated at the cold wind, she huffed and yelled out to the figures who were standing not so far away from her. "Sehun!" Minthe called out as she walked closer. The figures moved, striding towards her.

However, she stopped and frowned as the figure of the demon beside Sehun's grew familiar. He was bulky, muscular and tall, something very familiar. Even from a few meter away, she could feel his dark aura.

She squinted her eyes, trying to see over the dark. But his face remained a shadow and she eventually gave up.

When the two stopped in front of her, the light hitting their faces, she screamed, very loudly. Her eyes widened in horror as she shook, not knowing if it was due to the wind.
She could feel her heart start to pound in her chest, her breathing growing erratic. Because standing before her, was the king of the underworld, the demon he had been avoiding, Jeon Jeongguk.

But that wasn't what made her terrified. There was something different in Jeongguk. He was.. a lot scarier, a lot frightening than before. There was a large smile on his face, it was horrifying how it seemed to stretch until his ears, his eyes glowed crimson red and his horns were fully grown. Perhaps, that was what made her froze.

She knew it, even before she saw his face, that she should've ran. But she couldn't, her body, it was frozen. She tried so hard to run, she mentally yelled at her body to work, but it didn't.

Jeongguk suddenly started walking closer, a menacing look on his face. Minthe's eyes grew wide, almost popping out of its sockets. This wasn't Jeongguk. Standing before him wasn't Jeongguk.. but the devil himself.

Minthe screamed in both frustration and fear as Jeongguk's smile grew wider, almost as if teasing her. "You can't run, Minthe!" One. The devil took one step forward, a crazy look on his face. His voice was deeper, darker than usual, the voice of a monster.

The crazy, sickening look on his face was more than enough to tell her that this was going to be her last day.

She shook her head frantically, tears welling up in her eyes. No, no, this can't be happening. Why wasn't her body working?! But then she realized, as five other figures approached, that the devil had her body frozen.

"You have nowhere to hide! Nowhere to run!" Two. The devil yelled at her as he took another step forward. Minthe shook her head aggressively, tears cascading down her cheeks as her heart thumped loudly against her chest.

It was so hard to breath, as if she was suffocating. She looked around, her eyes moved but her body stayed still. And that's when she saw them, more monsters. The Demons of the Gates.

Minthe closed her eyes as she tried to steady her breathing, but she couldn't. She yelled as the five figures grew closer. "You monster!!" She screamed at the devil's face.

Jeongguk cocked his head to the side, a crazy smirk on his red lips. "You're calling me a monster?! You think that I don't know! You're the monster, Minthe! I know it, I know your secret with Yumejin! How dare you hurt my Taehyung! You're the fucking monster here!!" Three. The devil took another step towards her.

Minthe sobbed loudly, ugly tears and snot all over her face. This is the end, isn't it? She shook her head again and again as she closed her eyes, thinking that maybe they'll disappear.

Her chest moved up and down quite fast as she choked on her own sob. Minthe raised her head, desperately looking at Sehun with begging eyes. "HELP ME!" She screamed loudly, yelling pleas at him. But he stood rooted to the ground, watching her with an expressionless face. He was just like the monsters around her.

"It's time to die, Minthe! You're gonna die!!" Four. The devil, the brutal monster stepped forward, this crazy expression painted on his face.

Jeongguk was gone. This, in front of her, was no longer Jeongguk. He was crazy, Taehyung made him crazy.

With wide eyes, she looked at the distance between her and the devil, it was no longer than four steps. Minthe choked out a sob as she cried out for help. She couldn't help but feel a tad bit hope as the dead souls stopped whatever they were doing and turned to look at her.

A small smile graced upon her lips as they faced her with curious eyes. But her small smile fell when they opened their mouth and chanted out, "IT'S TIME TO DIE!"

Minthe snapped her head in front of her, a loud scream erupting from her as the devil ran towards her, wings opened wide, and that wide creepy smile on his lips. It was the end, she knew that.

Within seconds, she was dead. Her dismantled body laid on the ground, her head rolling away, her eyes still wide and white, and her mouth was still open.

Jeongguk watched with a crazy smirk as hell hounds approached the scene, his hands dripping with blood. And with a deep, shiver-causing voice, he let out, "Eat up."


a/n: this was scary, however, fear not for the angst is to be over soon. anyways, that smut thing last chap was a joke >~<

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