xix. soulsand valley

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Taehyung wasn't supposed to be here. He was supposed to be in the library, reading a romantic gay book and not staring at a valley of dead people.

He eyed the dead souls walking heavily on their weak feet. He gulped the lump in his throat, suddenly regretting his decision.

He turned his head to his side, a certain ravenette with a blank expression on his face scanned the valley. When a pair of soulless eyes met his gaze, he questioned himself, why was he here again?

Ah right, awhile ago, Taehyung had skipped to the library like a teenage girl who had recently talked to their crush. Well, that wasn't really wrong considering he really felt giddy because he had just talked to Jeongguk yesterday.

But that wasn't the point, he had just finished watering the plants in his new garden — he wasn't really sure if he should have done that because he knew those flowers were magical, he did so, regardless — when he stumbled onto Jeongguk who had been speeding through the halls.

If it weren't for the devil, he would've probably been knocked out for a couple of hours but thankfully, Jeongguk had caught his waist and prevented him from falling to the ground.

The two had stayed in that position for a few seconds before Jeongguk suddenly realized the reason why he had been dashing through the hallways. He abruptly settled the human on his feet and turned on his heels, ready to leave.

Honestly, he could've just vanished into black smokes earlier and teleport to his destination but he had expected to run onto a certain pink haired so he chose not to.

But now that he had seen the human, he decided to just teleport. With that in mind, black smokes began engulfing him, ready to take him to the place of the dead.

However, he had not expected Taehyung to clutch onto his bicep with a frantic look. "Wait! Where are you-" the pink haired let out, he wanted to talk to the ravenette and spend time with him so he tried to ask where he was headed but it was already too late.

Before Jeongguk could yank his arm away or let out a word, they had already been teleported to the soulsand valley — the place where the dead worked and stayed.

And that was how Taehyung got here. "Taehyung! Why-" Jeongguk protested, but he stopped himself with a groan. "Nevermind." He let out, an exasperated sigh escaping from his red lips.

Taehyung smiled at him sheepishly. "Sorry. But, where are we anyways?" He asked, pretty bambi eyes staring into the ravenette's as he waited for an answer. Jeongguk glanced at him and turned his attention back to the valley before them.

"This is soulsand valley, a place where the dead stays and works." He briefly explained, his browns furrowed as he searched the area.

Taehyung nodded his head, as he glanced at Jeongguk he noticed that the ravenette was looking for something, or someone. "Are you looking for someone?" He finally decided to ask after awhile of contemplating. He was careful with his words, not wanting the devil to get angry at him for intervening.

Jeongguk looked at him and nodded. "I'm looking for Cerberus. Charon told me he pounced at a dead soul, causing mayhem to erupt." His eyes stopped at a certain place, his brows knitting in distaste.

"He did that?" Taehyung asked, a little bit surprised that his cute fluffball could do that. The devil nodded again before walking speedily towards a spot where a group of dead souls trashed around.

The pink haired male followed curiously. With each step he took, growls grew louder and louder. Soon enough, he found himself standing right in front of the three-headed hound.

"Cerberus!" Jeongguk's loud voice barked, the mentioned hound stopping mid-pounce. The beast looked at his master and the human right beside him. Upon taking in Taehyung's scent, the hound whined loudly.

Cerberus ducked all three of his heads down and crawled to Taehyung's feet, whining upon seeing the human's disappointed face. Jeongguk saw the gesture and scoffed in disbelief.

The deadly hound, that he had kept for centuries, was on his paws, whining at a human he barely knew. Jeongguk crossed his arms, a brow raising up once he saw Taehyung crouch down.

The pink haired male raised his hand, petting Cerberus' middle head, the hound whining softly at his touch. A smile crept on Taehyung's face.

His expression morphed into fake anger as he pretended to scold the hound. "Bad, Berry! Bad, Berry!" he let out, poking Cerberus' head. The beast only laid on his paws, a huff escaping his mouth.

Jeongguk looked around, catching the curious stares of the dead souls. "Get to work!" He barked loudly, the bony figures scattering around to follow his command.

"Seriously, Yeontan and now Berry? Stop giving my hell hound cute nicknames, it doesn't suit him." Jeongguk voiced, a hint of amusement in his tone. The pink haired turned to him, a grin on his pretty lips.

"Jeonggukie, Ggukie, Ggukie, Ggukie!" Taehyung chanted, a pretty boxy-smile on his lips. The ravenette rolled his eyes, shaking his head in utter disbelief. If it wasn't Taehyung, he would've snapped the person's head off for giving him a nickname, but it was Taehyung, so he let it pass.

"Come on, show me the cool trick again, Ggukie!" The pink haired chirped excitedly. He skipped to the devil and clutched on his muscly bicep, blushing a bit at the feeling of hardness against his hand.

"Berry, c'mere!" He beckoned. The hound waddling to him, a paw on his feet as if he already knew what Jeongguk would do next.

"Ggukie, to the library!" Taehyung exclaimed, grinning. His face turned to Jeongguk, who stared at his beaming smile for a little too long before teleporting to the library.

The three vanished into black smokes, Jeongguk's ink black feather the only sign that told they were ever there.

"Wow, that's really really cool!" Taehyung breath out, astonished by the devil's ability. He glanced at Jeongguk with a grin. The king had his eyes casted down, staring at his hand which still held onto his bicep.

Taehyung gasped, letting his hand fall to his side, a pretty shade of read coating his cheeks. He heard the ravenette chuckle lowly, before a hand engulfed his.

He stared with blushing cheeks as Jeongguk brought the same hand that was earlier holding onto him, up to the level of his lips. "I'll see you later, Taehyung." He murmured with a deep voice before planting a kiss to Taehyung's delicate hand, his lips lingered on the skin for awhile before pulling away.

Taehyung was so sure he looked like a tomato. He was also sure Jeongguk's dark gaze was his favorite thing about the ravenette. Well, actually that was a lie, his favorite thing about the ravenette was probably his muscles, or horns, or wings, or smirk, or- no.
Jeongguk as a whole was his favorite.

Jeongguk smirked at him, seemingly noticing his blush, and then he turned into black smokes yet again. Taehyung clutched his chest, his heart beating erratically.

A feather falling on the ground caught his attention, he bent down and picked it up, smiling when he realized he had a feather from Jeongguk in his hand.

He turned to Cerberus and smiled, the hound had transformed into his cute form, sleeping peacefully on the floor.
Taehyung bent down to pet his head and then stood up. He sat down on his usual table and started reading.

A dreamy grin etched onto his lips for the whole day. He kept the black feather with him, it was his treasure from then on.


a/n: i got the name soulsand valley from minecraft, so what ಠ_ಠ

info: cerberus prevents the dead from leaving the realm, hence why he was in the soulsand valley- the valley of the dead.

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