xxxiii. sweet kisses

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It had been three days since he woke up and it was certainly confusing and extremely weird, to have Jeongguk act so.. nice towards him. It would be a big lie if he said that he didn't like it, heck, he loved it. Though it baffled him to no end, Taehyung let it slide for now, letting his body and mind rest.

"Do you want water?" Jeongguk asked from beside him, his warm hand still enveloping his. They had been in this position for a while now, Taehyung blushing because Jeongguk wouldn't let go of his hand.

With eyes still closed, Taehyung shook his head. It was quiet for a while, until Jeongguk spoke up. "Food?" He heard the ravenette question once again.

Taehyung pursed his lips, biting back a giggle. His eyes fluttered open to be met by Jeongguk staring at him expectantly with big eyes. "I'm fine, Gukkie." He let out with a giggle, unable to hold it back.

He watched as Jeongguk's thick brows furrowed and a small- almost unnoticeable pout appeared on his lips. "Are you seriously laughing at me? Come on, I'm worried here!" The ravenette whined, talking in pout. It was out of character, but it was so cute.

The pink haired couldn't help but grin widely. "I'm sorry, I just find it cute." He muttered the last part and closed his eyes again, hoping the ravenette didn't hear him.

"What was that?" Thankfully, he didn't. Taehyung flashed a cheeky smile as he shook his head, all while his eyes stayed closed.

Taehyung actually had no clue why Jeongguk was there, by his side. Last time he was conscious, Minthe was all over him. But thinking about that made him sad, so again, he decided not to question it.

They still hadn't talked about their argument, which was fine by Taehyung, he was willing to wait for the ravenette. But truth be told, he badly wanted to fix that. He was just so afraid to bring it up.

"Tae?" Jeongguk called out, suddenly caressing his hand. His heart fluttered at the nickname as he hummed, growing nervous of the ravenette's serious tone.

"I'm sorry." He heard Jeongguk utter, voice sounding so sincere it filled his tummy with butterflies. He opened his eyes, weakly trying to sit up straight on the bed. The ravenette thankfully rushed to help him, which he smiled at.

"For what, Gukkie?" Taehyung questioned, staring right at his eyes. He knew what he was apologizing for, but he wanted to make sure, wanted to hear it.

"I'm sorry for everything, petal." Jeongguk said, his voice sounding small. It was silent for a moment, Taehyung didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry for hurting you." A kiss to his hand. He flushed an adorable pink at the sudden gesture.

And then Jeongguk suddenly stood up, and leveled their faces. His hands were supporting his weight, partially caging Taehyung with them. "I'm sorry for making you think you mean nothing to me," a kiss to his neck. His breath hitched as his cheeks went ablaze.

"I'm sorry for saying that you act like a child," a kiss to his jaw.

"I'm sorry for making you think I only want you because of the benefits of our bond," a kiss to his cheeks. Jeongguk paused, their eyes locking, watching as eye galaxies twirled within them.

"I'm sorry..." The ravenette trailed off as he hovered his lips over Taehyung's. The pink haired's breath once again got caught in his throat, shivering in anticipation. Jeongguk stared straight at his honey eyes, lowly saying, "I'm sorry, for not treating you like the queen you are." And with that, a soft pair of lips clashed against his.

Taehyung whimpered at the sudden kiss, getting lost into the feeling. Their lips moved in sync, passionately against each other. There were no tongues involved, it was just their soft lips, savoring the feeling. It felt good, so good to have the ravenette's lips against his, moving sweetly.

He felt Jeongguk cup and caress his cheeks, his whole being melting at the sweet gesture. Just as they were about to deepen the kiss, the door slammed open, making them scramble away from each other.

The Demons of the Gates stood by the doorway, eyes blown wide and mouth agape. Yoongi was holding a tray full of food, probably his and Jeongguk's since it was lunch time. If it wasn't for the situation, he would've laughed so hard at their expression. But instead, he felt a blush coat his cheeks in embarrassment.

Seriously, out of all, they just had to ruin their first kiss. And no, that wasn't an initiation that he wanted more kisses from Jeongguk, totally not.

"Ooookay..?" Jimin let out, chuckling awkwardly as he looked around. Painfully aware of Jeongguk's death glare. "We totally didn't see anything, right guys?" He said as he hardly nudged Yoongi, who was standing beside him.

The demon grumbled in protest as the tray he was carrying almost slipped out of his hold. He nodded nonetheless when the others did, wanting to live a little longer. If looks could kill, Jeongguk would've already killed them.

Taehyung cleared his throat, looking away, utterly embarrassed. "W-where's Jin hyung?" He asked, badly wanting to change the topic. It seemed to work when Jimin spoke with a smile.

"He was sent by that scary guy-" He started, pointing at Jeongguk who snarled at him. The rest took a seat as Yoongi placed the tray on the bedside table. "-to the overworld to do some business." Jimin finished as he took a seat as well.

Taehyung nodded in understanding as he eyed the tray full of delicious food. "Oh! Go on and eat Tae, Yoongi cooked that for you!" Hoseok chirped with his cheery voice, earning a smile from the pink haired. "Jeongguk, go on and feed him!" Hoseok continued, making him blush madly.

"Ah n-no you don't have to," He stuttered out when he saw Jeongguk already taking the tray and placing it in his lap. But a spoonful of kimchi fried rice was already in front of his mouth before he could protest even further.

Taehyung hesitantly ate the food, still blushing. It was quiet between them, their atmosphere full of tension because of earlier. Jeongguk continued to feed him wordlessly, Taehyung blushing even harder when the ravenette used the same spoon he was using to feed him.

As the others chatted loudly behind him, he couldn't help but smile in his head. They had been taking care of him, even leaving their duties for someone else to do just to look after him. It felt nice and he was sure of one thing.

He was utterly grateful for them.


a/n: this book is sadly coming to an end. but there are still more things to uncover!

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