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Taehyung was disappointed.

The newly crowned Queen of the underworld, and the newly turned Goddess of spring, was utterly in dismay.

"What do you mean I can't turn flowers into candies, Ggukie?!" The beauty exclaimed with a frown. So much for his powers, can't even do a simple job. Jeongguk heaved a big sigh, slumping his shoulders down.

"Look, petal, you just can't. You can turn other creatures into flowers, however, you can't turn flowers into candies, Taehyung. It's just how it works," His King, exhaustedly explained.

"B-but-" The devil turned to glare at him, which shut him up immediately. The pout on his lips was not leaving anytime soon though. He just wanted candies.

The two were currently inside Jeongguk's study, the King was busy with paper works and Taehyung woke up that morning needing attention and candies. So without hesitation, he dashed to his lover's office.

Taehyung grabbed one of the many papers that were piled up on Jeongguk's desk and pretended to read it. He sighed heavily, the frown on his cherry lips only deepening. A few minutes later of scanning through the mountain of papers, it was safe to say that not only one big sigh has escaped from him. Was he being bratty? Yes. Was he throwing a tantrum? Kind of? Did he need candies? Absolutely.

Of course Jeongguk noticed his behavior. I mean, he was sighing continuously and that frown on his lips showed how upset he was. The busy devil sighed, rubbed his aching temples and leaned back on his chair tiredly. This caused Taehyung's facade to break a little. His King looked exhausted, he shouldn't bother him.

"Can't you go ask in the kitchen? I'm sure Jin brought a lot from his last trip to the overworld," Jeongguk offered, his sleepy eyes looking up at Taehyung. The Queen bit his lips in guilt and nodded. He agreed even though he knew there was no more candies in the kitchen, he already went there this morning.

With a guilty look on his face, Taehyung turned his heels to leave. However, just as he was about the reach the door, Jeongguk's gruffy voice called out to him. He immediately looked back with hopeful eyes, looking like an obedient puppy waiting for it's owner's orders.

Jeongguk chuckled at that, "C'mere," he patted his lap, gesturing for Taehyung to sit there. He obediently followed like the good puppy he was.

"Take a rest, Ggukie," he offered to the pale King. He had been working since early in the morning, Taehyung didn't think he had breakfast yet. "Come on, let's go eat."

Jeongguk whined, "But I still have this," he elongated, gesturing his hands to point at his pile of work. Taehyung smiled, he looked cute whining like that. At that, the devil eyed him suspiciously, "What are you smiling at?"

Taehyung shook his head, that same smile not leaving his lips. "I'll help you with work after," he said instead, slithering out of Jeongguk's question. If he were to tell him his thoughts, the devil would probably flip. He doesn't like it when others call him cute.

However, he didn't promise to actually help him. His plan was to divert Jeongguk's attention away from all that stress. He needed to take a rest once in a while, right?


After having a marvelous, fulfilling lunch, the two had settled at the garden to rest. Jeongguk rested his head on Taehyung's lap as the now turned god read a book. Being surrounded by flowers was relaxing and serene. It brought the well needed rest to Jeongguk's mind.

It was when he felt a soft, fluttering kiss on his forehead that he snapped out of his thoughts. He looked up only to see Taehyung's breath-taking face, just a few inches above his.

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