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Jimin woke up and found himself swaddled in a blanket. He cant move, the blanket is wrapped around him too tightly and doesn't allow him to move. Jimin wriggles his arms and huffed. He is already tired, his body is painfully telling him to stop moving. Jimin calmed down and sucks on a pacifier which is his mouth. Usually he isn't feeling so small to use pacifier but right now it helps to soothe him. His plump lips are locked around the rubber teat and sucks on the soft rubber.

Hoseok is sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed and his chin is resting on his chest. The man is tired, both mentally and physically. The hospital food is disgusting, he has no real bed and he hasn't had a shower in three days. Hoseok feels Jimin's pain and also he cant deal with the fact that his little one could die because of malnutrition when he can have every possible food. Hoseok spoke with doctors about taking Jimin home because the hospital is making them anxious. Jimin needs love and care, not place full of death and suffering. The doctors told him that it is possible but it is going to be hard for Hoseok because he will need to feed the little one through a feeding tube in his nose. A team of nurses showed him how to do it and told him what to avoid to prevent Jimin from getting hurt.

Seokjin found the best therapist for Jimin but they don't know if it is going to help. Seokjin wanted to be in the hospital with Hoseok but he has his own little. Jungkook is still new and he has to spend time with his caregivers, moreover Namjoon is working all the time so Seokjin needs to be with Jungkook. Yoongi is too scared to be in the hospital, he isn't sure how to support Hoseok or Jimin. Yoongi has also Taehyung, his little one loves him and clings to him like a third arm.

Jimin feels the annoying tube in his nose but he cant get rid of it. The tube is secured with a bit of tape so it wont slip out. Hoseok woke up because of soft whining noises and immediately opened his eyes. He is scared that Jimin is in pain but then he sees that the little one is only fussy. Hoseok strokes his hair and kissed his chubby cheek. He smiled a bit but the smile is kind of painful. He understands that Jimin is in pain but he cant pull the tube out. In few hours they are free to go, Hoseok is carrying Jimin who is still swaddled in a thick blanket because the last thing he needs is catching flu. Yoongi came to pick them up and now he is carrying a bag of vitamins and other things for Jimin. Hoseok strapped Jimin in his car seat and Yoongi started to drive home. Jimin is still weak so he fell asleep during the ride and doesn't woke up even after they arrive home. Hoseok carried him inside and walked past Taehyung and Jungkook who are playing in the living room.

The two littles are watching their third brother but Hoseok soon disappeared upstairs in his bedroom. He wants to let Jimin to get more sleep so he put him in his crib and closed the curtains. He can finally have a long shower and then changed his clothes. He checked on Jimin and then goes downstairs to eat some of Seokjin's delicious food and say hi to Taehyung and Jungkook. They don't want the littles to know that Jimin's condition is really bad, they don't want to stress them out. So they lied to the littles and said that Jimin is sick now but soon he will be feeling good again. Taehyung and Jungkook don't ask more, after all their daddies are their perfect idols. Jungkook makes grabby hands toward direction where he senses Hoseok and soon pair of strong hands gently grab him and picked him up. Hoseok smiled on the little one who is sniffling his freshly washed hair and went in the kitchen. Taehyung whined in the living room and started to crawl behind them. Luckily Yoongi picked him up and carried him in the kitchen too. The littles have a snack and Hoseok is eating a proper meal which Seokjin quickly cooked for him. The man feels much better in his fresh clothes and good food in his stomach. Now it is time to go to see Jimin again.

Hoseok climbed the stairs and silently walked in their bedroom. He peeked in the crib and sees that Jimin is waking up. Their doctor told him that the little one will be asleep for most of the time because he is too weak to do anything else. Hoseok slowly laid Jimin down on his bed and hopes that he will stay half asleep during the process. He hurries to wash his hands and then quickly warmed the correct amount of formula. He keeps glancing on Jimin and he looks quite calm. Hoseok attached a syringe to the feeding tube and poured the formula into the syringe. He is cautiously watching Jimin's face to see if he isn't feeling sick and slightly pushed the plunger so the formula is flowing. Jimin is sucking on a pacifier and doesn't look disturbed, he is still calm. Hoseok relaxes a bit and little by little adds the formula into the syringe until the whole amount disappeared in the tube in Jimin's button nose. The little one is now crying a bit because he feels that his stomach is full. Jimin weakly squirms around in the soft blanket. Hoseok quickly picked him up and burped him so he won't feel sick. He kissed cheek of his tired baby and whispers sweet words in his ear. Jimin doesn't want to admit it but this feels nice. Someone is really caring about him. The caregivers are doing everything for them and Jimin feels scared when he realized that maybe he won't be able to get better. He is suffering from eating disorder for so many years that maybe he won't be able to love himself again. Jimin glanced on Hoseok's sad face which is showing all the love and fear which is the man carrying and the little one sobs while hiding his head in crook of Hoseok's neck. No one has held him like this in such a long time that Jimin has almost forgotten how nice can be a simple hug.

Hoseok started to run his hand up and down Jimin's back and finally calmed his baby. Jimin's stomach hurts and he is whining from time to time so Hoseok decided to not put him down again and got up from the bed. He started to walk in circles around his room and then heads in Seokjin's office. Seokjin has a huge collection of snow globes which are now sparkling in last rays of setting Sun. Jimin is still sniffling and sobbing but Hoseok started to show him the snow globes and Jimin is amazed. He forgets about his hurting stomach for few minutes while his daddy is showing him the snow globes with tiny Eiffel tower or tiny Fuji trapped inside. 

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