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AN: I am not a doctor so there are going to be few medical inaccuracies.

Seokjin and Namjoon have been never so scared. The day of Jungkook's corneal transplantation is here. No one in the house can sleep. Well, the littles are asleep, but the adults are awake for the whole night and around 5 in the morning they meet in the kitchen to drink a cup of the strongest coffee they have. They are silently sitting in the kitchen and drink their black coffee. Seokjin feels like he is going to vomit right now, the huge fear which is squeezing his stomach is unbearable. He has already packed a bag with Jungkook's things he will need in the hospital and there is a nice room waiting for their little one, but nothing can calm down Seokjin's fear. The surgery is going to take four hours and Namjoon isn't going to work today, he needs to be close to his family. Hoseok and Yoongi don't want to stress Jimin and Taehyung so they are going to stay at home with them and the littles won't even notice that Jungkook is gone with his caregivers.

In the morning Namjoon and Seokjin left with their baby boy and Yoongi with Hoseok keep checking their phones for any updates about the transplantation. Seokjin is walking in wide circles in the hospital hallway and Namjoon wants to smoke. Just one cigarette, that would be enough to calm him down. However when he met Seokjin he had to decide if he wants cigarettes or Seokjin so he stopped smoking and now it would make Seokjin really mad if he starts again. So he sits there and chews the millionth chewing gum while waiting for some updates about the surgery. He tried to find something about it on the Internet but then he felt sick so he stopped reading. They just need to wait, the surgery won't take so long and soon someone will come and say that everything is okay. They are going crazy but suddenly a nurse appeared like an angel who came to save them. She told them that the surgery went fine and Jungkook is sleeping right now, but they can see him. However he won't wake up for the next few hours and his eyes need to be bandaged for at least one week.

Seokjin with Namjoon follows her in Jungkook's room where is a doctor waiting for them. First, Seokjin hurries to the hospital bed to kiss the forehead of his baby bunny who is sleeping and looks peaceful. His stuffed friends are in the bed around him and Seokjin fixed the blanket so it is nice and snuggly while Namjoon speaks with the doctor. The transplantation was successful, Jungkook will spend one week in the hospital so they can be sure that everything is okay. After that they will take the bandages off and Jungkook is going to slowly regain vision. He is going to take some meds for a while, but in few weeks he should be completely healthy. The doctor left them alone and Seokjin laughed nervously. All of this feels like a joke or a dream. Isn't it too easy? One surgery and Jungkook will see? Seokjin is a bit skeptical, he will believe to it only after Jungkook says he can really see. And if his baby won't see then he is going to kill the doctor for giving them a false hope. Seokjin smiles, which looks quite creepy. Namjoon thinks that his partner looks like a maniac when he is sitting there holding Jungkook's hand and staring into nothing while smiling for no reason. But of course that Namjoon is also scared. So many things can go wrong, but for now he will focus only on the good things. Jungkook is going to wake up in a few hours and in 7 days he could see again. Namjoon realized that they don't know what to do after that. Jungkook will see and he should finally explore the world around him and he should see all the beauty it can offer before it is destroyed. Namjoon is thinking hard where should they take him and doesn't feel that the time is flying and that Jungkook is staring to wake up. The sedatives they gave him vanish and he slowly woke up. He immediately feels something wrapped around his head and moves his hands to get rid of it, but then smells Seokjin's perfume and feels two soft hands gently taking his wrists. Seokjin explained him that this must stay on and Jungkook pouted. His caregivers tell him stories, read him and do everything to make him happy and comfy. However, after 7 in the evening they have to leave because the visiting hours are over. Jungkook fell asleep while sucking on his pacifier and his caregivers go home. Seokjin feels sad without his baby, but at least he can cuddle with Jimin. Yoongi and Hoseok are asking Namjoon thousands of questions and he patiently answers them until they have enough and let him take a shower.

The whole week is the same. Namjoon and Seokjin leave the house early to spend as much time with Jungkook as possible and then come home in the evening to eat dinner together with their family. Of course that Jimin with Taehyung asks where is their third little brother but Yoongi explained that fairies are healing his eyes. He knows that fairies healing people sound weird, but it is better than saying that Jungkook is in a hospital. It could scare them, but fairies sound good for the littles and they don't worry about their brother.

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