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Namjoon was thinking hard about the best things Jungkook can see and then he decided that they should visit Japan. It is a safe and pretty country, moreover, it isn't very far. Yes, Japan looks like the best country for a short trip.

Everyone agrees with him so in a few days, after they got ready, they can leave their house and head on the airport. Jungkook still feels weird that he can see after so many long years. Everything is so colorful and bright, the sun on the blue sky, green trees and funnily walking pigeons. There are so many things he needs to explore. The littles are watching their daddies who are carrying their bags in the private airplane and after a while they are done and sat down. Seokjin checks that everyone fastened their seatbelt and the plane take off. The boys are watching cartoons on an iPad and look forward to seeing Japan.

After a few hours the plane landed and they head in their hotel to refresh a bit and then they can head out. In the end the littles need to take a nap so it takes a longer time before they can finally leave the hotel. Tokyo is huge and the littles are feeling a bit nervous in the middle of this ocean made from people and cars. Namjoon is a perfectionist so he prepared a long list of things they will do and see so the vacation is going to be great. First, they go to stroll around the Imperial Palace and Gardens. Yoongi is pushing an umbrella stroller with Taehyung, his arms would be tired if he carries him during the whole vacation. The littles aren't very excited, it is boring for them, but Namjoon really wanted to see it. The history is tiresome and Jimin squeezed himself in the stroller next to Taehyung to take a nap. Seokjin is trying hard to not sigh while holding Jungkook's little hand. He hates when his husband acts like a professor, but he doesn't want to ruin his happiness. After a long while they finally leave the Imperial Palace and Seokjin suggested letting go of Namjoon's agenda and visiting Tokyo Skytree. The tower is the tallest tower in the world and there are speedy elevators which took them on the 360 degree observation decks from where they can see the whole city. The littles are a bit scared because the tower is so high, but after a while they get used to it and enjoy the jaw-dropping view. There is also a souvenir shop with thousands of crazy things and they can choose some. Everyone is hungry or thirsty so it is the best time to find some coffee shop. Hoseok suddenly spotted a cat café Mocha and they walk inside.

Of course that Jimin and Jungkook run to the cats and kittens who are everything and the caregivers order coffee, some drinks and sweets. Taehyung is sitting in the stroller and pouts because his brothers run away, but then one ginger cat slowly walks to him and he finally isn't alone. He gently grabs the cat and smiles so wide that his eyes closed. His daddy also smiles at him and uses his rare gummy smile. The cat café is great, but the cats soon run away from the littles and their small hands. They are bored anyway so Yoongi decided that now they need to visit Harajuku. It takes them a few hours to explore every good looking shop in Harajaku and in the end their hands are full of bags. Jungkook starts to whine that he is hungry and Namjoon suggested to go in Yoyogi park and buy something there. Evening is almost here and Tokyo is glistening like a jewel. They enter the park and immediately spotted many small huts and restaurants where they can buy delicious food. After a while they buy every good looking meal and find a place to sit. Yoongi takes Taehyung out of the stroller and gently moves his legs so his little one can comfortably sit in his lap. Jimin is being feed by Hoseok and Jungkook is clinging on his daddy. They eat and the littles are happily babbling about everything they did and see today. It is clear that Jungkook loves his first trip ever and while his brothers fell asleep Jungkook can't close his eyes when there are so many things around. His daddy is carrying him with Jungkook's head resting on his shoulder. Jungkook keeps smiling while Seokjin is changing his clothes and then he gets kisses from his caregivers. The littles are all sleeping in one big bed and Jungkook feels Taehyung snuggling closer to him. Jungkook sucks on his pacifier and turns his head to look at his brothers. Jungkook wriggles a bit to move close to Taehyung and put his head on his brother's shoulder and closed his eyes. Jungkook feels like a little bunny in a warm nest with another bunnies pressed to him and that's all he has ever wanted.

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