Alright readers,Let's get this show on the road! Buckle up and let your imagination run freely as we venture into the world of fanfiction in 3, 2, 1...
______It was yet another mundane evening in the Sanders household...
Just kidding.
There is nothing mundane about having a Disney movie marathon with six different versions of yourself as your company.
Currently, Thomas was sitting on the very middle of his couch, his feet pulled up to his chest as his eyes stayed glued onto the TV screen. On his left were Virgil and Janus (Deceit), and vacating the right side were Logan and Patton. The twins settled on sitting crisscrossed on the floor.
As the end credits to Into The Woods roll up, Roman and Remus instantly began fighting over what movie they should watch next.
"Now now, sluggers there's no need to fight." Patton attempts to break the twins' feud, but is flat-out ignored as the two Creativities continued screaming.
It's a good thing Thomas was the only one who could see, hear, and touch them.
Otherwise he would have been kicked out of his apartment by now.
"Shut up, Remus! Shrek isn't even Disney!"
"But it's good! And it has the song All Star by Smash Mouth!"
The anxious and deceitful trait share a glance before rolling their eyes at their respective partners, knowing how over-the-top and dramatic they can get for the smallest of reasons.
"If I may interject?" Logan suddenly speaks up, getting the brothers to quiet down as they and everyone else turn to him with full attention.
"We're all ears, Inspectacle Gadget." Remus grins.
"Please don't-"
"Aahhh not again!" Patton covers his eyes to avoid the sight of the Duke holding up both his ears in his hands with a cheeky smile.
Janus face palms, while Roman nudges his brother in the rib with his elbow.
"Alright alright, I'll put them back." After reattaching his ears like they were heckin' lightbulbs, Remus returns his attention back to the logical Side.
"So, what were you going to tell us?"
Logan pulls out his phone to show them the time, "It is almost two in the morning. Thomas is expected to go to the office in approximately nine hours and twelve minutes for a meeting concerning the new series he's working on with his friends and team. Therefore, I think it is time we all retreat back to the Mindscape and allow our host to sleep. An optimum amount of rest will surely do him good."
"Logan's right, kiddo." Patton hums in agreement, his gaze now on the sleepy looking YouTuber, "Wouldn't want ya falling asleep during the meeting, now would we?"
"Mm, yeah. Alright." Thomas nods sluggishly, his eyes barely open as the exhaustion finally sets in, "I'll just sleep here..."
"Uh, you're definitely going to regret that in the morning-" Virgil warns, but is directly cut off by their host's quiet snores.
Thomas was out like a light.
"Suffer then, I guess." The anxious Side shrugs nonchalantly.
"Let's get going, kiddos!"
One by one, the Sides sink down and collectively appear back in Thomas' mind. They shortly bid one another goodnight, then proceed to head into their own rooms.
It was quiet.
Until suddenly there was a SCREAM.
Specifically, coming from the Imagination.
Roman and Remus shoot up from their beds in alarm, the former in a simple white T-shirt and red sweatpants, while the latter only having on forest green boxers. They summon their respective weapons- not bothering to change into their proper outfits- and charge through the door that led straight (gay) into the Imagination.
What they find has them gawking in disbelief.

Once Upon A Disneytale {Prinxiety, Logicality, Dukeceit}
FanfictionWhen Thomas and his Sides suddenly get sucked into a Dream Void in the Imagination, they must work together to venture through each Disney themed quest they'll end up in and find the story's significant object that will help them get to the next lev...