Behind The Bloops

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A/N: Since it takes awhile for me to get out a new chapter (as I get writer's block often and also want to give the artists enough time to make the art for the chapters) I decided to make a sort of Behind The Scenes-Bloopers chapter called Behind The Bloops.

It's basically a crack chapter so I can at least give y'all content while you wait for the official chapters to come out lolz.

So, without further ado...

I give you...

Ze Bloopz.

(btw I'm going to use Deceit's real name now. I'll edit the previous chapters once I publish this one)


Thomas & The Sides: *appears in an empty movie set*

Thomas: uh... this is not my apartment?

Author: ah, welcome!

Roman: *screams*

Remus: *screams louder to assert dominance*

Patton: *screams because why not*

Janus & Logan: *are so done with their screaming*

Virgil: *screaming internally*

Thomas: *riffs while screaming*

Author: ...are you done?

Thomas: *glances at the others before turning back to the author* yeah I think we are.

Author: good. So-

Roman & Remus: *whips out their respective weapons* WHO ARE YOU?!

Author: *sighs in frustration* why did I think this was a good idea?

Patton: *tilts head* what do you mean by that?

Author: *stares pointedly at Roman and Remus* if you can manage to keep your mouths shut long enough for me to explain, then I'll tell you.

Virgil: *bitch slaps the twins*

Roman & Remus: *offended Princey and Dukey noises*

Virgil: *turns back to the author* okay, speak.

Author: alright. So the reason I summoned you all here is because I want you all to star in my AU. This movie set we're in is my so called 'Imagination', where whatever I think of, it'll appear and happen.

Remus: make a unicorn appear!

Author: ...

Remus: ...please?

Author: ugh, fine. *snaps fingers*

*Unicorn appears*

Logan: *nods slowly* fascinating.

Remus: *grins widely* now make another one and make them fu-

Author: NOPE! *makes unicorn disappear* this is a family friendly story!

Janus: oh, so we're not allowed to swear?

Author: yes.

Author: ...okay maybe just the occasional f-bombs or whatever. Just not too frequent.

Roman & Remus: *sighs in relief*

Thomas: so... What do we do?

Author: *hands each of them a script* this will update itself each time we film a new chapter, so don't lose it.

Once Upon A Disneytale {Prinxiety, Logicality, Dukeceit}Where stories live. Discover now