Author: alrighty, people! Interview time! *ushers everyone into their own respective chairs*Virgil: *grumbles*
Author: I'm sorry, what was that?
Virgil: ...nothing.
Author: *squints eyes at Virgil* suuuure.
Janus: so, do we simply answer the questions?
Author: mhmm. Everyone settled?
Thomas: yup.
Roman: *sits gay* absolutely!
Logan: *sighs* I suppose so.
Patton: *bouncing in his seat* YES!
Remus: *launches himself into his chair, breaks it* ...oops.
Author:'re sitting on the floor.
Janus: can't you conjure anothe–
Remus: *cackles* yes!
Author: see? he's okay with it.
Janus: *looks at Remus before turning back to Author* at least provide him a pillow.
Roman: *smirks* aww, hear that, Ree?
Remus: *grabs pillow from Author* thank you! *sits on it and claps his hands excitedly* questions!
Virgil: *snickers* I swear he's either 30 or 3 years old.
Janus: *shakes head fondly*
Author: *smiles in "I ship Dukeceit"* okay, let's start with the first question, *pulls out phone* this is for... Patton!
Patton: oh goodey!
Author: from @0Sad_Boi_Hours0: how did it feel having to hurt Virgil?
Patton: *smile immediately drops* oh...
Logan: *reaches out to hold Patton's hand*
Patton: *turns to Logan and offers him a grateful smile*
Author: if you want, we can skip this–
Patton: no no, it's okay. *inhales deeply* well, even with the knowledge that Virgil was just acting, it never lessened the pain I felt when we had to witness him get stabbed and fall to his death. *feels someone hugging him from behind* huh– *looks up to see Virgil*
Virgil: *rests chin on top of Patton's head* I love you, Popstar.
Patton: *slightly tears up* I honestly thought I had lost you, kiddo... Everything felt so real.
Virgil: *shakes head* I'm not going anymore, Pat.
Author: aww, my favorite bestest mostest dynamic-est father-son duo in the whole thomasphere.
Virgil: *hugs Patton one more time before going back to his chair*
Roman: *pokes Virgil in the side* softie.
Virgil: *rolls eyes with a smile* shut up.
Author: okay! Let's proceed with another question from IceQueenOriginal: for Virgil, what was the last thing you remember after the Cinderella level?
Virgil: *glances at Author for permission*
Author: *nods*
Virgil: *turns to you* okay so, in the story, my character remembers being in the Mainscape for a brief moment before the next level started. Everything after that was like a blur until the story ended.

Once Upon A Disneytale {Prinxiety, Logicality, Dukeceit}
FanfictionWhen Thomas and his Sides suddenly get sucked into a Dream Void in the Imagination, they must work together to venture through each Disney themed quest they'll end up in and find the story's significant object that will help them get to the next lev...