10 • accepted, good luck!

7.4K 812 183

Let's talk about the book contests our fellow Wattpaders host. I'm sure most of you guys have joined at least once or twice and maybe even won a few. But for those who don't even understand what I'm talking about, there are a lot of users who host their own contests (not Wattpad official), where everyone is eligible to join by entering their book and letting it compete with others.

You would notice how in every award book, their tagline always has something to do with "helping undiscovered authors get known, supporting books of every aspiring author, etc."

BUT the question people still wonder about until now is: "Do books that get entered really get the recognition the host promises?"

As a host myself (and no I'm definitely not biased), I can assure you guys that yes, the books participants enter get more recognition. But not in a way that you're probably thinking.

No, you're not going to get hundreds of reads / votes / follows overnight. That is possible, but there is only a very small chance for that to happen. If luck's on your side, then congratulations.

I've interviewed a few hosts who run their own awards and also did an observation of my own awards. Yes, Contests are worth joining. Yes, your book will get more readers.

The process is slow, but the results will definitely be there.

A tip that you guys should follow: Even if you don't win in the contest, always make sure to ask the review of your book from your judge (if there is). This is very crucial since this is the only way that way you'll be able to improve and make your work even better.

From my experience, I've only stumbled upon two kinds of judges out there. It's either you get the sincere, hardworking judge that'll give you a good review or the slacking judge that will only shower you with compliments because they didn't really read your book that much (they're the ones whose goal is to just enlarge their follower base).

You see, participants benefit from contests in a way that they get genuine reviews from their judges. Joining contests means you'll learn how readers think of your book. Your writing will slowly adapt to them, then you'll have a great book in your hands at the end of time. And when you do, that's when the reads will come rolling in! Another option would be trying out review shops.

If your book does win, then this is also an advantage. More readers will check out your work since it already achieved something, meaning it is worth their time. Other than this, you can also take the chance to make friends with the participants or even your judge!

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