13 • casual comic sans

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Just recently, I saw this post on Tumblr and you'll never guess what was written:

Apparently, using the font comic sans improves your writing because it's so easy on the eyes

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Apparently, using the font comic sans improves your writing because it's so easy on the eyes. I've seen A LOT of people that reacted on this tip positively, and I'm thinking that yeah, maybe it'll work for you and me too.

I mean let's face it, we get writer's block all the time. Might as well do tricks that could help!

This tip has been circulating for a while now, and here are a few more points I've gathered:

- Changing your don't to anything you don't normally use helps.

- Dyslexia-friendly fonts (yes, including comic sans) help most.

- It will not make you write more word-count wise, this is a placebo effect or at best a side effect of being distracted by the font.

- You can get the same effect by changing to a new word processor or changing your font spacing. It's being different that helps.

- Also, the effect will wear off over time when you get used to it. So that means you need to change to another font again.

Personally, when I write on my laptop, I use Microsoft Word, then type with the font 'Cambria' and the font size being '12'.

Writing with Comic Sans makes my inner snobby aesthete protest REALLY BADLY. But I'm going to try. And I hope it'll work.

What about you guys? What programs do you write with? What font / font size do you use? Have you tried the Comic Sans writing trick and did it work? Let me know!

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