32 • haters gonna hate

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[As requested; how to deal with haters]

This is going to be fun.

There are a thousand ways on how I can make this chapter effective, but after a moment of thinking, I've decided on a concept. Let's put a twist into it so it'll be more interesting. Today, I'm going to be talking about haters from a hater's perspective (hold your horses and read on).

I used to be really active on the online gaming community. I've played battle royale, sandbox, first person shooter, MOBA, and some more I just can't remember what they're called—

Long story short *cough* I trashtalk. Boo. Leave this book, unfollow me, hate on me (see what I did there), whatever I don't really care.

Not ALL the time, of course. I mean, there are people who are MUCH worse than me. And trust me, I've encountered them.

*whispers* That's because there's one in my house, but don't tell.

DISCLAIMER: I don't hate on Wattpad writers, just on games lol but I don't really play now so I guess I'm clean? Just sharing my experience so y'all will understand things clearly :)


1. It's empowering to see your opponents waver. Most of the time it's my teammates I'm being a little mean to but uhm let's not talk about that (carrying the whole team is the worst).

In a nutshell, don't falter and if anything, USE it to your advantage. Let's say someone is belittling a story you've worked damn hard on, ignore the person. If you're feeling angry, don't direct it to them and instead use it to fuel your writing: PROVE THEM WRONG AND SHOVE YOUR SKILLS TO THEIR FACE. THEY WILL BACK OFF.

The biggest mistake is doubting yourself. Don't give in and continue to reach for your dreams. FIGHT for what you want.

2. We're looking for a fight.

I'm not gonna lie, that's my worst habit. I don't know how it got developed (jk I do), but if you know me in real life then you'll see it, unless you're really oblivious then there's nothing we can do about that.

Don't. Start. A. Fight.

Just like what I said above, IGNORE THE COMMENT/MESSAGE. Don't reply. Don't say anything. Just pretend that you didn't see it. They're not worth your attention so don't ever give in—

Because if you do... Oh boy, you gotta roast them before they do it first. Make sure you have a lot of comebacks at hand, or it'll sting.

I'm kidding please don't do that. Spread love y'all (kill them with kindness if you prefer that 'cause it works too). You're our only hope so don't be like the others and help make Wattpad a friendly community, especially with a lot of young writers like me. I'm putting my trust on you :>

Pro tip: Haters dislike being ignored. Sarcasm will come in handy too.

3. We're in pain; don't take it too seriously
(Forgive me for being dramatic; I simply couldn't resist).

Let's dive into psychology. Studies say that haters are insecure about themselves and they get comfort by bringing other people down. They are finding someone to pick on to make themselves feel more superior and entitled (as mentioned on number one) for they have low self esteem.

When other people fail to do something meaningful in their own life, they try to bring other people down. Think of it this way, they're going down and they want to bring you down with them.

Unless you don't show yourself.

4. Criticism or plain hate?

Of course, we should also consider that there are some cases wherein they are just trying to help. Maybe they just want to voice out their opinions but they're not sure how to sound nice about it.

It's alright to be blunt, but if you're going to offer criticism then you should follow the somewhat 'unsaid' rules.

Compare the two:

- Your story is trash, you are hopeless at writing.

- The concept of your story sounds really interesting and I like where it's going, but I think your writing looks a bit too choppy and I suggest combing some of the sentences with conjunctions, appositives, and the like.


Think about it, because sometimes? The 'hate' helps us in a way you won't imagine. It brings us somewhere and makes us realize things we haven't thought about. Believe it or not, it plays a big part on improving our existing skills.

Let's face it, some people are really harsh sometimes but you need to get used to it because that's how the world works. If you are pursuing something (let's say writing/graphic designing/other professions) and you can't handle criticism (or hate) then you're in for a tough ride.

So how do you deal with haters? You don't, until you do.

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