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Not only should you change the password to your Wattpad password but also your Facebook/Google if it is linked to the system (just to be sure). AGAIN, DO NOT USE THE SAME PASSWORD FOR EACH ONE AND MAKE SURE IT IS STRONG AND SECURE (strictly add in letters, symbols, and numbers).

I apologize if I wasn't able to provide a solution to some of those who contacted me. Please understand that some things are out of my capabilities and of course, I'm not an expert. WATTPAD SUPPORT IS YOUR FRIEND HERE. If you are having problems with changing your passwords, GO THERE DIRECTLY.

The data breach is legitimate. I know it's normal to be suspicious of these things (as I was), but we should not ignore this and take precautions. I saw the database in that shady site myself, and I give you my word, it is happening. Wattpad wouldn't have addressed it if it wasn't. STAY CALM PLEASE. I also believe that their team is doing something about it (not a piece of cake, trust me) so don't be overwhelmed.

While you're at it, also enable the two step verification in google to be more secured (link available in my latest announcement):



Also, quick shoutout to Aspecialhooman for giving us more information regarding this data breach. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!! Read below:

'Hello there. I have experience. What you are suggesting is great advice, everyone should take these precautions. That's about it, but if you are very worried, or know for sure your information has been leaked, you could run your device through some software. This software is everywhere, it can range from just a code to major installments that check any website before you give any personal information to it. The problem with this software is that sometimes it doesn't work, so if you are able to have a friend design it (or yourself, just make sure whoever does it has experience, and have someone test it) so you can make sure it's safe, or get it from a trusted website. I don't really have any suggestions for it tho, I tend to stick with my own software. If anything, don't put out any info that could be used against you, to find you, or to do any harm to those around you. Double check that you are always logging out when you leave, and if you cannot log back in with your password, change it. Good luck and stay safe!'

'You should always log out. I know it's very annoying sometimes, but not logging out makes it about 25 percent easier for someone to get in. Trust me. I'm a classified hacker. If it's just not possible for you to log out, if you have another email, consider changing it between the two (or more) often to ensure that there will be no sure way to get into accounts through email or password.'

'You'll be fine. This happens all the time. The hackers always get caught. Also, keep in mind, there are teams like my own that literally dedicate years of their life to running around making sure no one gets hurt , leaked, pwned, or anything along those lines. Sometimes, buyers will even buy your info to get it away from others. They destroy it. We'll get through this, ok?'


'In general, hacking can reach anything. On sites such as Wattpad, they can only reach what you give it. Hacking can be very dangerous and powerful, but also very easily managed. Hacking (in general) relies on codes. Codes (again, in general, there are very few exceptions) relies on patterns. The easiest way to "beat" hacking is to change. Make them doubt what they can trust. A hacker makes a wrong move, it's their info getting leaked instead of yours. Hacking is only as dangerous as you let it be. So change and they will understand that they cannot rely on your info or passwords. These hackers also now know they have been caught. They are smart, and know that if they continue to sell they will give themselves away and will be arrested.'


Make changes to everything if you can (name, password, location, email address, birthdate, etc.) The more you change things, the more 'they' will doubt it's real, therefore they will not be interested in your personal information.


So that's what I have for now. Again, please don't be overwhelmed. You can spam the comment section if you wanna vent but don't do it too much cause the others are getting flooded lmao. We'll get through this together <3

 We'll get through this together <3

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