Chapter 66: (Heart)broken

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Having left school without telling anyone, Shoji traveled by metro to Asuna's house without an appointment. Whether he would inform her on this or not, it shouldn't matter anyway. She won't read anything of anyone. Shoji's best bet is that Asuna would be at her own house, alive and well.

As Shoji rings the bell on Asuna's front gate, he actually wouldn't expect anyone to answer it. Mainly because he has never heard a thing about Asuna's mother, and a father these days are not to be spoken of either. 

Shoji's parents abandoned him after SAO had been cleared. The two divorced while the boy was stuck in the World of Swords, never to have spoken to one another again. This was true for every single day, except for the day where Shoji broke free from the death game's imprisonment. His mother and father reunited, though only for mere moments. 

In fact, neither of the parents were prepared to have Shoji at their homes. Especially since  Shoji's parents aren't exactly poor, they both agreed on purchasing a house for Shoji entirely for himself. 

It was not something an ordinary parent would do, buying a house for a 16-year old boy who recently returned from the world of SAO. However, Shoji's parents both believed that he was capable of holding his own, managing a house as Shoji would have lots of time to spare. This mainly had to do because of experience he has built up in the death game itself, and another reason had to do with...

Seven, Shoji's childhood friend. They believe that Seven's wisdom despite being so young would have been shared with Shoji. Her signs of being a young genius did not only do Seven's father proud, but also Shoji's. With the knowledge the young girl would emit, they were certain Shoji would have caught at least a glimpse of what she had to offer.

"Hah, so much for our parents, right Asuna...?"

Shoji did not realize it, but all this time when he thought back about his parents, time didn't exactly slow down. He has been waiting for a response all this time, yet to no avail. Truly, her parents aren't home, thus meaning that Asuna wouldn't be at home either... or she lacks to motivation to open up the front gate.

"Please, Asuna.."

That's what Shoji said, before leaning against the wall while he sinks through his entire body, awaiting in boredom. In between Asuna's front gate and a bunch of bushes, he sits alongside the road as he awaits someone's arrival... or response.

"You have been there for me, and I intend to do the same for you..."

1 hour later

"I don't care how long it takes for you to respond... I'll wait."

2 hours later

"Yuuki, you and I, we're all part of the same pact, right? Everytime one of us gets hurt, we can all feel that pain. Right now, you're in pain, Asuna. Please let me help you.."

3 hours later

"It's getting dark outside. Are you still there, Asuna? On the other side of the buzzer? I want you to know that I am here for you while others don't bother as much. That's what best friends are for... right?"

4 hours later

"I don't know how late it is, and neither do I care about it. If it's time that you need, I completely understand. But know that I don't want you to go down the same path I have gone a week ago, when you were there for me. Please Asuna, allow me to be there for you. As much as you care for me, my feelings towards you are exactly mutual..."

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