hero part two

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"i wouldn't do that if i was you." i heard a sharp voice from behind me.

i couldn't recognise it because i didn't really know much about the villains.

"don't tell me what to do." i said, through gritted teeth.

"excuse me?" the voice said, laughing bitterly, "do you know who you're talking to?"

"don't know. don't care." i snapped, glaring at anyone who would make eye contact with me. the person behind me turned me around, pushing me into the wall. his glare was red, his eyes were filled with anger. i backed down, his glare scarier than what i've ever seen.

"now you stop acting so violent?" he narrowed his eyes.

"you kinda kidnapped me.." i mumbled, "what else am i supposed to do?"

"sit down like a good girl and let dabi restrain you." he said plainly, "or we'll have to do it by force."

"y—you can't force me to do anything!" i cried, trying to get out of his grasp but he just pushed his hands over my wrists on both sides of my head.

he sighed, his thumb and index finger pushing my chin so i would look at him.

"you want to know why you're here?" he asked, his glare softening. i flushed at the contact, nodding my head.

"because i took interest in you." he said, "and you're making this extremely difficult for me, can you just calm down so we can restrain you?"

i mumbled an over dramatic 'sorry', nodding my head and letting myself be pulled back into the chair.

"you're a hero so we can't completely trust you." tomura started, dabi chaining me back in the chair, putting that stupid block on my hands.

"if you earn it then maybe i'll give you some freedom." he said, "but right now you'll have to stay like that."

i mumbled an 'okay'. dabi left the room, apparently it was too boring for him. tomura's eyes were fixed on me, his eyes were filled with some type of love or admiration. i stared back at him, quite admiring his features too. he had hands all over his body but his hair did look quite soft. i smiled at him, he did a little nod back, turning to the bar and writing on some paper.

i has been here for a few months now, i didn't have to be restrained and i was really enjoying the villain lifestyle if i was going to be honest. i did miss my friends at ua but i think i prefer being a villain, i get to spend time with tomura, although he told me to call him tenko in private.

i was sat at the bar, toga was going on about how she stabbed another teenage girl and got her blood. i smiled at her, she was crazy but was like a best friend to me. she's the only girl here so i got along with her pretty quickly.

i waved my hand at toga, saying goodbye, walking off since i was called by tomura to go to his room. i nervously knocked on the door, i wasn't sure why i felt so nervous because i had been to his room before, this time it just felt.. different.

he opened the door, in plain black as usual but he didn't have his hands on.

"hi." he mumbled, opening the door more so i could walk in.

"hello" i smiled, i stepped inside, he shut the door behind me and walked off to sit on his bed.

"so i asked you to come here so i could ask.. well, yeah.. ask you something." he said, his shoulders slumped.

"hm?" i hummed, nodding for him to continue.

"i wanted to ask if you wanted to.. be my girlfriend." he mumbled the last part, my eyes sparkled as i hugged him.

"yes! i would love to, tenko!" i giggled, feeling his arms wrap around me.

he gave a small smile, "that's good to hear.. i was kind of afraid you would reject me." he frowned.

"i would never do that— i've.. loved you ever since i saw you, i guess we both just got attracted to each other." i said, remembering the time we first met.

"alright, that's great because that also means you're staying in my room." he mumbled, running his fingers through my hair. i relaxed into his touch, slightly leaning into him too. his touch was really relaxing, i blinked.

wait a second. i thought, turning my head to scan the room.

i glanced around, there was only one bed, i blinked a couple of times. surely he doesn't mean—

"b—but there's only one bed.." i pointed out, he scoffed, rolling his eyes. i blinked again, confused, were we going to share a bed?! i was dumbfounded, not certain on why he would want me in his bed, that's just.. just.. i don't know.. weird?

"yeah, we'll share the bed, idiot." he groaned, sighing. i froze for a second, sharing a bed with tomura? i would love that but what if i do something embarrassing? or if he sleeps with me one night and doesn't love me because i did something in my sleep?!

"a—are you sure?" i asked, feeling the heat go to my cheeks. i tried to scan his face for any sort of reaction other than annoyance or stoic, but nothing showed up. he was just rolling his eyes at me.

"yes, i'm sure." he said, "now, go get your things." he mumbled, i nodded excitedly. this is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions, i remember back to the times at ua. i never would of thought about sharing a bed with a villain, especially the league of villains leader. it shocks me how he was even attracted to me, it shocks me how i was attracted to him. but then again, he is really attractive. i smiled, walking to my room to get my stuff.

wow, i thought, sharing a bed with tomura..

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