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shigaraki pov.

i was covered in blood and dirt, i had just ran from a hero. they had cornered me in an alley and has some quirk cancelling quirk.

i had no choice but to run and he was fast.

i eventually got away but it wasn't easy. i came home with bruises, blood (some of it wasn't even mine) and dirt.

i sighed, creeping in, hoping everyone was asleep so i didn't have to deal with anyone. i was hoping y/n was asleep too so i could just take a shower and get into bed without them knowing what happened. but that's not what happened.

i crept into the alley and entered quietly. i slowly shut the door, trying hard to make sure it was silent.

it was late at night, i was sure that y/n would be asleep. but then again, i couldn't be sure. just in case flame boy or crazy was awake, i stayed silent.

when i turned around from the door, i was surprised to see y/n was awake.

they looked up at me from my book, looking me up and down. they then frowned.
" you're injured.. again? " they asked, quietly.

i sighed, " yeah, but it's a few scratches. it doesn't matter. " i wandered over to them.

there was worry in their face as they looked up at me, " doesn't matter.? babe, you're black and blue.. "

i shrugged, " i guess. "

they sighed sadly, getting up. i looked at them curiously, " ?? "

" i'm getting the med kit— you cant possibly get the wounds on your back. " they smiled reassuring at me, picking up a box filled of medical supplies.

y/n pov.

i took out some rubbing alcohol and bandages, frowning because it might hurt him.

he sighed, " just do it. "

i put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball, dabbing it onto the wound on his chest. he hissed in pain and by instinct he swatted the cotton away, disintegrating it.

his eyes widened, quickly falling to my level, " i—i'm so sorry! " he exhaled, panicked.

" hey.. it's alright. " i said, patting his shoulder, " no one got hurt.. it's fine. "

" but i—i could.. i could have— "

" but you didn't. " i smiled, " i trust you, shigaraki. i trust that that wouldn't happen. "

something in his eyes twinkled, his eyes going glossy.

" y/n.. " he sniffled so quietly that it was nearly inaudible.

no pov.

shigaraki took a few moments to gulp thickly, looking down at his hands. his hands that hurt others, his hands that nearly hurt his beloved.

he didn't know what he would do without them, they were his everything. they meant the world to him and he was nothing without them. he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that they may leave one day. what would he do? how would he react? could he cope?

y/n's pov.

shigaraki looked really sad as i bandaged up his wounds. i couldn't tell if it was because of the fact he was hurting or something else.

i had to do something. . .

" he has no lips— how is he gonna get a kiss kiss? " i giggled, pointing at him.

shigaraki looked at me blankly, very confused.
" wha— "

" very ugly! no kiss for him! "

shigaraki rolled his eyes at me, messing up my hair and seemed happier than before.

i smiled, being more careful with the rubbing alcohol and bandages on him. eventually, i had finished with his wounds.

he had a small smile on his face, the only way i noticed is because i was staring at him.

" what're you looking at? " he asked, furrowing his brows. i couldn't even lie, when he looks so confused and dazed, he is so adorable. his playful smile was still on his face as i replied.

" you. " i giggled, " your smile is really adorable. "

he paused, red going to his cheeks as he looked away. with a small pout, he said, " no you. "

he crossed his arms like a child, huffing. i squealed, his tsundere mode was even cuter.

" cmon, you have to admit it! you're adorable. " i scooted closer, my chin resting on his shoulder, staring at him.

" hell no, i'm not adorable. i'm scary. " he turned and glared at me, his face nearly as red as a tomato.

i giggled, " see? cute! "

" no! " he whined, flicking my forehead. i let out a small and sarcastic ' ow. ' before standing up again.

" where are you going now? " he narrowed his eyes.

" well it's late, we need to go to bed! i'm tired. " i frowned, pulling at his non-injured arm.

he groaned, " be patient. " he slowly got up like an old man as i slowly dragged him to our room.

he grumbled, still flustered as he sat down. i shut the door, skipping over to the bed.

the moonlight was perfectly lighting up the room, i could see shigaraki pouting at me.

" huh? what's up? " i questioned, wandering over.

he shrugged, " it doesn't matter, " he rolled his eyes, patting the bit of the bed beside him. i grinned, almost flinging myself at the bed in excitement.

" christ, woman. " he sighed, putting on his special gloves so nothing bad would happen in the night. i rested my head on his chest as he pulled the covers over us both.

my eyes felt heavy, i was tired but i wanted to stay up to make sure he was asleep. his eyes shut and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in closer. i just watched him sleep. it sounds creepy but in the moment it was a luxury.

he was never this peaceful or calm looking, his emotions are basically only anger. but when he's around me, he always has this soft look in his eyes. i feel like he can never be angry around me and it's really sweet.

i curled up under the warm covers, feeling blissful. being in his arms was like being in heaven, i felt so welcome. so loved.

the moment was so cute, so wonderful.

so wholesome.

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