stress part two

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y/n's pov

i sat down at the bar, my elbows resting against the table and my head in my hands. i let out a shaky sigh, tomura hadn't come back from the recent mission and i was starting to get worried. a few others weren't back but i was starting to imagine what happened to tomura. is he dead?

my gut felt really off, i really hope it isn't alarming me for his death or anything like that, i've chosen to ignore it because i don't think i can accept tomura dying. will he ever come back?

the sound of the cold wind whistling around the league echoed, sending me a weird vibe. i slouched down, my eyebrows furrowing as i kept my eyes on the old wooden bar table. is he okay?

i remember back to the times where we would all play truth or dare, why am i thinking of this now? toga once got dared to try and take some of tomura's blood, she was successful but was yelled at, making her give it back to him. dabi got dared to replace the hot sauce with red paint and twice was dared to down it (unaware of what dabi did). twice boasted how he loved hot sauce and how it wasn't going to be bad, that was before red paint went down his throat and starting splattering over the walls, twice ran to the bathroom to vomit too. will we ever be able to do that again?

i smiled at the times me and tomura had, i would rest my head on his lap as he played video games. his features intriguing me so much that he would get mad at me for not paying attention to the game. i would giggle and he would chuckle, will i ever hear him laugh again?

i start to remember the time when he asked me to be his girlfriend, i was outside by the water fountain. it was all perfect, he just straight up kissed me on the lips and with that, he demanded we would be together. will i see him again?

i got up, wincing at the headache forming in my head. it felt like everything was tumbling down, i didn't even know if he was dead. i close my eyes shut for a second as i walk, praying to everything that he comes back to me. was it stress? was it worry? concern?

i walked to his room. opening the door, shutting it behind me and laying on his bed. my headache eased, i stared up at the ceiling. i remember the nights we shared together, he would cuddle up to me and i would cuddle up to him. he was also so clingy but i loved it so much, but the man was touched starved. i felt so cold, his warm embrace not with me. is he gonna leave me?

the one time i saw him smile, it was like a blessing. i could stare at that smile for too much time, never getting bored. how he would get flustered about his own smile, because it looked 'weak and stupid'. will i ever see it again?

i bite my lip, i can't lose him. he's my world, my everything. he loves me and i love him, he wouldn't leave me. would he?

i sit there cold and alone, thoughts winding back to every memory we've shared, staying up late and then dragging him to bed to cuddle. how i would wake up to him, caging me in his arms. how i would have to beg for him to let me go so i could make breakfast. that pout he would give me for getting up. i would kiss his lips and promise we cuddle later. his face lighting up at my promise, a small smile on his lips as he also got up. how dabi and toga would insult him, giggling and chuckling at him as he got annoyed. names like "handy mandy", "mop head", "palm might". the ones that really annoyed him. will you come back to me?

i thought for a second, what if he had died? what would i do next? would i end it all? cry it all out? remain stoic? go back to the days of being sad and lonely? i winced at my own thoughts, a tear dripping down my cheek as i thought about tomura, laying down in a pool of blood and crying for someone to help him. the whimpers escaping his mouth as he realised he was all alone, no villains out there to help him, only heroes.

heroes.. what if he got arrested? he's stuck in jail with no one. no comfort, i couldn't bare myself if i let him get caught, especially if it was my fault. i would still feel the worst if it wasn't, but what if i messed up? making him have to do something else and fail at it and get arrested?

the sad smile he would give me as he gets arrested, dabi pulling me into kurogiri's portal as i scream and kick for him to let me go and get tomura. how he would give me one final nod and whisper something under his breath. he would say that he loves me, how i'm everything to him, only making me cry more. when i get teleported away in kurogiri's portal, it all dawns apon me that i didn't say a simple "i love you too", "i love you" or "you mean everything to me too" back to him. would it hurt him?

i sit up, alerted. almost immediately regretting it as the familiar pain shooting through my head.

fast movements aren't good for headaches. i reprimanded myself in my head. i went to lay back down, only to hear the door creak open. i looked at it to see him. tomura.

all my thoughts eased as my eyes started to water, he was alive.

"you're.. back.." i mumbled, still quite drowsy, my eyes almost not believing myself at first. i fell back onto the bed, relief washing all over me as he shut the door and walked over, standing over me.

"i'm back." he said, a smile starting to form on his face.

"did you have to take so long?" i asked, tears forming in my eyes as he leaned over me and wiped the water drops from my eyes.

"sorry." he responded, laying down next to me and pulling me into his arms, "but i'm here now." he mumbled, muffled by his face nuzzled into my neck. his breathing tickled my neck as he pulled the blankets over us. the familiar sensation of comfort, i relaxed into his touch.

he's back. and he's never leaving.

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