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shigaraki x f!reader

yes this is a lemon. includes: dirty talk, bondage, orgasm denial, daddy kink, dom(him)/sub(her)

shigaraki smirked, wrapping the soft rope around reader's body strategically, forming knots and tightly securing it on her top half.

"t-tomura.." she moaned, her back arching slightly.
"that isn't what you call me, sweetheart." he tutted, peppering kisses on her neck.

"d—daddy.." she corrected, moaning at the sensitivity in her neck.

he brought his mouth to her ear, seductively whispering, "glad you're enjoying it, princess."
he moved back down to his position, his hands pinning her legs down to the bed and his mouth slowly trailing small kisses up her thighs. he made her feel so good and she was already so turned on, however they hadn't even started yet.

he smirked, his tongue thrusting in and out of her, her toes curling and she couldn't help but let out a cry. she tried to back away but he pushed her legs into the sheets, pinning her down so she couldn't escape the sweet torture. he moved up her body, pinning her wrists besides her head.

"hm." he pondered for a minute, teasingly, "maybe i should punish you for trying to get away me?" shigaraki asked, leaning into her flustered face as his nose touched hers. she laughed nervously and quietly, squirming with no avail.

"why am i asking you? it's not like you have a choice." he smirked, his tongue sliding across his bottom lip. she bit her lip to hold in a moan at that sight.

she could feel her clit's wetness from the pre-cum as she squirmed against the bondage. she tried to rub her thighs together, to try and create friction to relieve herself. anything. she needed anything, even a little bit a friction but the restraints wouldn't let her.

he sat back up slightly, his hands trailing up and down her body, looking her up and down. how the restraints looked on her, it really did turn him on. how she weakly pulled at the ropes, at his mercy. she was obviously enjoying the feeling, but the aching in her legs slowly becoming unbearable.

"getting impatient?" he asked, "just what exactly do you want me to do?"
she made a whiny sound, again, trying to rub her thighs together.

"or do you want me to guess?" he said, furrowing his brows, "because i think i know what you want."

"please." she whimpered.

"hm? please what?" he teased, she whined again.
"master, please." she begged, "you know what i want."

"do i?" he teased, dipping one finger in and out. her eyes nearly rolled back at that feeling, her legs nearly flailing about completely.
"is that what you want?" he asked, "or do you want more?"

she let out a cry, not a sad kind, one full of lust and sounded so desperate. a smirk plastered on his face again, "more? you dirty girl."

"i know where all your weak points are, princess. where you can't help yourself." he said, nibbling on her folds, licking them and swirling his tongue in and out them, "a weak spot here." he paused to look at my reaction. she was nearly screaming, that spot felt torturously good. her body shook with pleasure, small whimpers and whines.

"and a weak spot here." he continued, repeating that every time he got to a sweet spot. these spots made her eyes roll back and her back arch, she moaned uncontrollably at the places he was going to. his fingers ran up and down her body whilst he played with her.

"you're going to scream my name." he said, making her blush, "and you won't be able to walk tomorrow." he smirked.

he sat up, making her whine from the loss of pleasure, moving to her upper half. she put her back down to relax as she squirmed under him, he kissed up and down her jawline, taking all control.

her neck was too sensitive, which is why he was attacking it, making sure to leave hickeys to claim what was his.

he removed his pants, lining up with her entrance, "ready?" he asked, making sure it was okay.

the lewd face she made, literally automatically made his soft side disappear.

her expression only worsened as he mercilessly pounded into her. her back arched again, the pain ached but it was over quickly, sending ripples of pleasure through her. shivers ran down her back as his movements were precise.

"y-you're so tight." he groaned, still at the same swift pace. she couldn't even speak, the thrusts sent too much pleasure in her that she couldn't help but make the ahegao face. she could almost see stars.

"p-please let me cum-" y/n moaned, "please."

he thought for a second before leaning down to nibble on my earlobe, "beg."

she almost couldn't even catch her breath, let alone even beg.

"do you want to or not?" he asked, "because i can go for way more rounds than you can, especially in this state."

"p-please.." she breathed, "i-i.. please, daddy, please.."

"please what, hm? you're gonna have to tell me." he grinned, his kisses trailing down to her upright nipples. his tongue circled around them as his hand massaged the other, she jerked at his actions.

"f-fuck me into oblivion, daddy!" she cried, all the pleasure building up inside her. he didn't need to be told once, his speed increases if that was even possible. she couldn't take it, couldn't hold it in even if she tried.

she rode out her orgasm with a loud and lewd moan, squirming and shaking as he carried on. he soon finished after her, pulling out at the last moment and coming all over her stomach.

he stared at her panting form, her eyes squeezed shut and beads of sweat on her forehead, her hair sticking to it.

"now.. when did i say you could cum?" he asked, dominance dripping from his tone. her eyes shot open, glancing at the male in front of her.

"round two, princess, but this time.. you're not allowed to cum."

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