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AN: he's a bit OOC here but i'm not sure because i forgot how he acts tbh

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AN: he's a bit OOC here but i'm not sure because i forgot how he acts tbh. hope you enjoy!

your pov.

i swung around the city, unsure of where to go. my parents, who were retired pro heroes, had found out about my little.. crush on the number one villain in our town. it wasn't my fault! he was really rude but deep down it was like love at first sight. it sounds so stupid but i just really like him, and my parents couldn't accept that.

they kicked me out of their house, so now i was just swinging around. i felt like i was in a movie, feeling all bad-ass about it. i was upset about it yeah, but i knew i'd just find another place or something.

what happened next will always make me grateful for all the events that took place before this because before i could swing once more i felt someone fall onto me, despite being mid air.

shigaraki's pov.

i ran up the steps, unsure of where to go. a hero was chasing me after i was spotted outside at an alley. they had been chasing me for a while and hadn't gotten tired, though me? i could hardly breathe.

i was cornered, no where to go. like a mouse in a mouse trap.

i sound so pathetic.

i glanced around, trying to find anyway out of this. anyway possible to get away, before i could even try anything i was shoved off of the top of a 13 story building. the smirk on the heroes face as i fell right off of the building.

it was like it was all in slow motion, yet everything seemed to go so fast. i couldn't call this anything other than luck because as soon as i fell i had fallen into their arms. the ones i had always wanted to be in. the ones i had always wanted to embrace me.

your pov.

i quickly held onto him, not knowing what else to do. i didn't want him to fall, or to die. so i just swung away from the hero, him firmly in my arms. it was pretty ironic, i had to save lives yet i was saving a villain who had taken so many.

it's not like i cared, i was just so deeply in love with him. i never knew if he liked me back though, i just hoped it.

as soon as we were at a safe distance away, i put him down and took a few steps back. we were now in an alleyway, his red eyes glancing at my e/c eyes.

" am i not going to get a ' thank you ' then? " i asked, folding my arms cockily.

it took him a second, he looked me up and down before settling his intimidating glare right into my eyes.

" thank you. " he said, this wasn't like him at all. i expected a sarcastic comment, about how i probably got away with my life and how he could and would have killed me. but no, he sounded sincere? he sounded like he meant it?

i tilted my head, to be honest i thought he was going to throw a fit about how he didn't need me to save him because of his pride, but oh well. i accept his thank you because it actually meant a lot, coming from him.

" you're welcome. " i smiled, all of a sudden really happy. he just made me feel really nice and good. maybe it was love, yeah, it definitely was.

" someone's happy. " he rolled his eyes, leaning against the alley wall with his arms crossed.

damn that is hot

i couldn't stop myself from thinking that! he looked really attractive, his hair messy like always, but looking so soft. his eyes and facial expression not as harsh as it was to others, but then again it was always like that when he was around me. his plain black jeans, a few rips in them, his red trainers. they were similar to izuku's, maybe the same brand. his black top, is this all he wears? emo clothes?

well i couldn't really complain, i was wearing full black too. and it did really suit him.

he raised an eyebrow, an indication i was taking way too long to answer. i stiffened, exhaling and relaxing myself.

" yeah, i guess so. " i responded, nodding my head.

he always has some way of making me feel happy, it's like a magic spell. whenever he is mentioned or whenever i am around him i can't help but blush and have this huge grin on my face. it's so embarrassing.

" looks like you've got a lot on your mind. " he stated, plainly.

he was on my mind, he always was. always at the back of my mind. his handsome features and just everything about him. but why was it him? why couldn't it be a hero? someone who i could be in love with easily?

someone who didn't kill, someone who didn't lie or steal.

" you're on my mind. " i blurted out, looking at the floor. not daring to look him in the eyes. after a few seconds of shuffling and then silence, i looked up to see him right by my face. he scanned my face for a reaction, luckily the alley was dark so he couldn't see the blush all over my face.

but that's the beauty of love. it makes you look past their flaws and their past. maybe it's wrong to most people, but i just can't help it.

" that's funny because.. " he paused briefly, closing the gap between us, pulling me into a kiss. it lasted a few seconds.

those moments were like heaven, my whole body was filled with pure excitement, a slight nervousness and satisfaction. my lips burst into sensations they had never felt before and i, for once in my life, felt complete.

" .. you're always on my mind too. " he finished his sentence as he pulled away. i touched my lips in disbelief, looking at him frantically for any sort of indication of him joking or even being disgusted.

i was confused, i finally gathered what little courage i had and spoke up.

" you.. mean that? " i asked, truly unsure.

" d'you think i go around and kiss any random hero for the fun of it? of course i do. " he mumbled, standing up straight.

" so.. you love me? " i asked, wanting to make sure. my heart was racing, seconds felt like hours. i could feel and hear my heart beating, i would be surprised if he couldn't hear it.

" yeah, of course i do, idiot. " he said, a hand going around my waist. for such a touch starved and socially awkward guy he was doing really well right now. not sure how he got all this courage.

" always and forever.? " i asked, sounding like a child, however in that moment it didn't feel bizarre or surreal. because his answer made it feel just right.

" always and forever. "

then, he pulled me into another kiss. full of love and emotion, one that showed me that he really did want to be with me..

always and forever.

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