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sorry for the short chapter again 🥺i wasn't really sure what to write aha

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sorry for the short chapter again 🥺
i wasn't really sure what to write aha

y/n's pov

" so he's.. a child? " i asked, tilting my head in confusion.

" are you blind? can you not see it sat right there? " dabi said.

" dabi, shigaraki isn't an it. " kurogiri frowned.

" it's no longer a man child— it's a child child. " he hissed, glaring at the blue haired child.

" i thought he had black hair as a child or something! " toga bounced up and down.

" i'm not sure. " i said, crouching down to his level. he looked up at me, trying to grab onto my shirt with his tiny baby hands. i heard toga awe, dabi grimace in disgust and kurogiri sigh.

" aww. " i smiled, patting his head, " you're so cute. "

he didn't respond, instead trying to stand up but slipped. i caught him, picking him up by under his arms and stood up. i held him in my arms and giggled.

" future mother— you'll be carrying his babies in no time! " twice said, " you'll never be a good mom! "

" thanks twice. " i laughed, ignoring the second comment since he doesn't mean it.

toga smirked, " speaking of children— when will you guys have kids? "

" please never do, we can't handle having one shigaraki let alone another one. " dabi grumbled.

" aw but children are cute! i can teach it to stab people! "

" no toga we will not being doing that. " i patted her head, a small whine escaped from her lips.

i took as many pictures as i could since he looked so adorable and this was my only chance. usually he would just snatch my phone, cover the camera with his hand or hide so i never have gotten a good picture of him without him moving away.

i patted his head, giving him some food and taking care of him the best that i could. i don't know much about baby care but i tried my best.

i soon left to go upstairs with shigaraki, taking a cup of warm milk since we had no baby bottles and i hoped for the best.

i placed him on his bed, helping him drink the milk and burped him. i wasn't really sure how so i asked kurogiri to help, i was afraid toga would stab him or dabi would beat the child so kurogiri was a safe bet.

i put shigaraki to bed, tucking him in and watching him peacefully sleep. even as a child, he looked so beautiful and unlike himself as an adult he seemed calm for once.

i smiled, kissing his forehead.

" night. " i whispered, laying down next to him, embracing him in my arms.

i woke up, opening my eyes to the blinding light of the morning sun and an annoyed adult shigaraki.

" morning. " i grinned, " how was being a baby? "

" i hate you. " he said, but he didn't really mean it.

" you love me really. "

he kissed my forehead.

" yeah.. i do. "

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