depressed reader

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don't worry it isn't pressuring ❤️❤️ hehe thanks for requesting

don't worry it isn't pressuring ❤️❤️ hehe thanks for requesting

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i stared at the floor, a knife in my hand. blood dripping from the blade and from my wrist.

i couldn't form any sort of sympathy for myself, i didn't deserve sympathy or empathy. i couldn't even cry for myself anymore, i was just numb. cutting was the only thing that gave me emotion; pain.

i was about to wipe the blood away with a tissue as i heard the door open from behind me. i felt my world come crashing down as i hoped to dear god it wasn't shigaraki.

" babe? what are you doing? " he asked, his words cutting me deeper than any knife could.

" nothing. " i responded quickly, " i feel sick— please leave me alone. "

" . . . "

it was just silence, the tension so thick i could cut it with a knife.

" are you.. cutting? again? "

" . . no. " i whispered, the lie in my words way too obvious.

" y/n.. " he frowned, slowly approaching me.

" s-stay away! stay back i— " before i could finish my sentence i was in his arms, my whole body tensed but i didn't struggle or make any movements of rejection.

" y/n, why.? " he whispered into my hair.

" . . i'm sorry. " i tried to hold in my tears but to no avail, i started sobbing quietly as he held me. his hand went through my hair, his special gloves already on.

" it's alright, yeah? " he picked me up, slowly taking me to my bed. he layed me down and immediately mimicked my position but with his arms wrapped around me.

i hummed in satisfaction, sniffling.

" i-i love you.. " i whispered, resting against his chest.

the atmosphere almost immediately made me feel better, life was easier with shigaraki. he made everything less complicated.

without hesitation, he whispered the four words i needed the most.

" i love you too. "

it was quiet for a few moments before he leaned down to whisper in my ear softly.
" get some sleep, yeah? "

with a small smile on my face, i nodded slowly, shutting my eyes. he removed one hand from my waist, stroking my cheek with his thumb softly.

" . . thank you for everything. " i whispered, eyes still shut.

" it's no problem, i love you. " he said again, this time to make sure i knew.

" me too, i love you too. "

he shut his eyes too and we both slowly drifted into sleep, in each other's embrace.

ʜᴀɴᴅʏ ᴍᴀɴ // 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙠𝙞 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now