Chapter Thirty-Seven: Jason

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Ever since Jason was a small child, he had the ability not just to hear people's thoughts, but the ability to put his own thoughts into their minds. He would constantly put images and thoughts into his parent's heads that slowly drove them insane. So much so that by the time he was seven years old, they couldn't take it anymore and his father killed his mother and then himself.

The story was all over the news, but nobody could figure out how a seemingly normal couple from Texas could be driven to commit such an unspeakable act. They tried to find Jason's grandparents, but there was no trace of them anywhere or even that they ever existed to begin with. So, without any family to speak of, Jason was placed in the foster system.

The people in charge tried to place him with many different families over the years, but nothing ever stuck. The families would either send him back or have something awful happen to them. Eventually it was decided that the reason that nothing was working out was because of Jason. No one knew how he was doing it, but there were several reports from the families and the staff that he was somehow getting into their heads and making them do things that they didn't want to do. It was soon after his fourteenth birthday that the system had given up on him and decided to have him placed in a mental institution.

In the recorded history of the Huston Psychiatric Hospital there was never more than a total of twenty-seven deaths reported annually. That is before Jason arrived. During the first year after his arrival a total of sixty-three deaths were reported. By the time that he was eighteen the hospital had reached a record amount of deaths at the total of four hundred and thirty-six.

Only a few days after his eighteenth birthday Jason vanished. No one knew what happened to him. It is reported that he was in his room during room check, but by morning he was gone. The only evidence that he was still alive was a note written on the wall in the on-call nurse's blood: See you in your dreams!

It was only after all the confusion and the commotion had died down that the detectives found the empty envelope, the return address scratched off, but an imprint of a key still left on the paper like a ghost.


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