Chapter Sixty-Eight: Bittersweet Sorrows Part One

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Breath. Such a small word with immense meaning. There was so much more to the world than what people saw or did. It was the life that was exhaled and inhaled with each passing moment. The breath of life that fueled the world around everyone. It was with these breaths that Sophie's friends watched her take on an unnamed beast. With each swing of a fist or stab of a dagger they held on as long as they could to the air held in their chests. This was what everything had been leading up to. This was the fight for their lives and their futures, and it all hinged on a small blonde girl going up against a giant.

It would be easy to ask the question, why aren't you helping her fight? A question that echoed in the busiest corners of Karen's mind as she watched her friend slice through empty air once again. Everything in her begged and urged her to help, but, how could she? Yes, she had powers like they all did, but hers were meant to be used in close combat. The fear of getting in the way and being more of a hindrance than a help pushed her to stay put.

Wyatt cheered from the sidelines, but only because of the guilt he had over attacking Sophie in the first place. He knew that he would have never done it had he been in his right mind, but the guilt lingered, nonetheless. So instead, he cheered for her successes and sucked in air with each missed hit.

Delphine didn't really have an excuse for sitting on the sidelines. True, she had not known Sophie for long, or at all really, but there was something about her. The house made it clear from the start of her imprisonment that Sophie was an important player, but there was still so much that she'd yet to figure out.

Joe who stood watching beside Delphine leaned on the excuse of being the new guy and not a very skilled fighter. In life his weapon was knowledge and intellect, but in death all he had was two fists that weren't good for much of anything. Though the compulsion to help was strong, he remained rooted in place, eyes focused on the battle that raged on before his eyes.

Time was running out. Sophie could feel it in every part of her being. She needed to break this cycle before it was too late. The house was still, the air unmoving with plans yet to be unfolded. Frustration pooled inside her. She knew the house's plans needed to be stopped no matter the cost, but how was she going to do it? She was a girl up against a beast who was unrelenting in his breath and resilience.

It was with one last swipe in the air, a pointless swing that only cut through a wisp of smoke, that Sophie felt the true pang of defeat. Jason narrowly dodged her dagger but was quick to grab her arm and twist it behind her back. Sophie let out a small plea in the form of a yelp.

Sophie didn't need to see Jason's face to know that it was warped in a vicious and victorious smile. His hands were sticky from the blood she'd spilled, but that didn't stop him from yanking her harm further. Revenge for the battle scars he had suffered at her hand. Sophie could feel the venom well inside his mouth. The drool was ready to go, awaiting a small and simple opening in his lips. Ready to pour over her sweat soaked skin as it carried his words of hate to her ears.

"I win." Jason's saliva sprayed the side of Sophie's face while small droplets crept down his chin in slow motion. Sophie couldn't help but feel the defeat as it was washed over her, carried by his acid words and spit. He was right, she'd lost. The house managed to beat her back enough times to leave her without the energy to fight back.

Every cell in her body told her that it was over, that she could stop fighting. Yet her muscles were still tense and ready to fight. The breath in her lungs was not ready to exhale the defeat it felt encroaching. This was not the time to throw in the towel or wave the white flag of surrender. The house wouldn't win until she gave in to it. As long as she and her friends stood up to it and pushed back with every ounce of strength and will they had, the house would never win.

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