Chapter Forty-Two: Powers and Downfalls

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"Perhaps it is time to accept the fact that Sophie might be gone forever." Paul put forth this thought once more after the sixth consecutive hour of searching. They were all tired and he was pretty sure that they had searched every room in the house by this point.

"We don't give up until we find her." Wyatt was clearly the most exhausted one out of all of them, but he would never give up. He wanted to protect and help Sophie until his dying breath.

"Maybe Paul is right. We should at least take a break." Karen hated to admit it, but she was starting to think that Paul was the only one thinking straight. Perhaps it was time to give up on their missing friend and go back to their other search.

"No. I will not take another break. It is because of the last one that we haven't found her yet. It was stupid of us to think that food was more important than our missing friend."

"You don't think that we know that? That I know that? I hate myself for suggesting that we go eat breakfast before looking for her, but that doesn't change the facts. Who knows if we would have even found her if we had started the search immediately?" Karen couldn't take it anymore. This house was evil and all it did was rip her further from the truth.

"Enough guys. I know that we are all stressed out and everything, but we need to keep our heads clear." Paul didn't want to cause them to fight anymore, he only wanted to find a way out now, to figure out what the true purpose of them being in that house was.

"Why? Why is it so important for us to have clear minds? No, you know what, I still have questions for you about our abilities?" Karen had turned her frustration from Wyatt back to the real source. He told them that they had powers of some kind, but before he could elaborate further, they had been interrupted. Now she wanted to know the truth. She wanted answers.

"Like I told you before, I can see the future in a sense. I don't know what your abilities are. Most of them usually manifest during a stressful time."

"Wait, these abilities, could they include something like being able to understand and talk to animals?" Wyatt had been wondering this since the first moment that Paul had mentioned abilities. Perhaps he wasn't as crazy as he'd thought.

"I guess so. Why?" Paul was curious. Why hadn't Wyatt said anything earlier?

"Because I can. Ever since I was little."

"Wait you can talk to animals?" Karen stared at Wyatt like a deer in headlights. This couldn't be possible. Supernatural abilities didn't exist, not in real life.

"Yes. I don't remember when it started, but I do know that people thought that I was crazy so talking about it to anyone became a big fat no go." Wyatt stared at the wall behind Karen as he spoke. He couldn't look her in the eyes as he revealed his deep dark secret. A secret that he had vowed to keep for the rest of his life.

"Wait, so if you can see the future and Wyatt can talk to animals, then what kind of crazy power do I have. That is if any of this is true." Karen was horrified. What if this was all true? What if she could have saved her family all those years ago if she had only known about this. If she had only been smart enough to figure it all out sooner?

"Like I said. It would have manifested itself during a stressful time in your life. A time when you felt like you were in danger."

"What if your wrong? What if I don't have any powers at all?" She had to ask. Especially since the only time before now when she felt like her life was in danger was during the house fire that took her family when she was little. She didn't have any powers then, so why would she have them now?

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