Chapter Forty-Three: Two Killers, One House

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Jason walked through the unfamiliar house. It was only luck that he had found Darla before he entered. Now he could think straight. He had a little bit of time before he needed to kill someone else. Some unsuspecting person who would die at the hands of a stranger.

He had been waiting to escape from his prison for so long and now, now he was going to enjoy it by thanking the person who freed him from captivity the only way he knew how. With a knife to the throat. It wasn't the perfect plan or even a normal one, but that never bothered him before so why should he worry about it now? There was so much that he wanted to do, so many people that he wanted to kill.

They had locked him away in an effort to stop him from killing more people, but he wasn't deterred so easily. He had managed to talk several people into taking their own lives, none of which would ever have enough evidence to connect back to him. Well, all except that nurse. He had killed her with his own hands, but he had to. She was there when he had gotten the letter inviting him to this house, he couldn't very well leave her to tell others about his plans.

It's not as if he wasn't doing them a favor. Most people wait their whole lives to die. He was only helping them reach their goal a little bit sooner. He had done them a service. Now he was here to return a favor. After all, he wasn't selfish, he knew that when someone did you a kindness that you must repay them in full. His father had taught him that before everything went down.

Jason had been on his own in a sense for a very long time. He had figured out the ways of the world and how to manipulate them to his wants and needs. If someone treated him like a monster, then he would be kind to them and put them out of their misery. It was only fair. After all, wasn't the golden rule to treat others the way you wished to be treated? By that logic, killing those people was showing the world the way in which he wanted to be treated.

No, he didn't want to die, but he did want people to treat him nicely, even the ones he would most likely end up killing. It didn't matter to him one way or the other though. Most people were a scourge upon the Earth, and they needed to be gotten rid of.

These thoughts brought a smile to his face. Perhaps he would one day find the peace that he had been craving. The peace that only comes with killing or death itself.

Greyson and Delphine waited for the mystery person to arrive, but they never did. The footsteps always seemed to be approaching, but never actually arriving. The word impossible flashed across Greyson's mind.

"This house is bonkers." Greyson couldn't take it anymore. There was no possible way that anything like this should be happening.

"You have no idea." Delphine's words were barely audible over the sound of the footsteps that were still ongoing.

"What the hell does that mean?" Greyson felt angry. He didn't know why, but he found that he had reached his level of crazy for the rest of his lifetime. He should have stayed away from this house. Then again, he had nowhere else to go. Regret was a dangerous thing. It was always there to remind him of all of his perceived mistakes. What was the point of that? There was nothing that he could do to change his choices, he just had to live with them and hope for the best. Even so, this time it felt different. This time he feared that there was no escape.

"I'm so sorry Greyson. I wish I could have just told you to turn around and leave the second you walked through the door, but it was too late. As soon as you stepped foot onto the property you were trapped." Tears sprang to her eyes as she spoke. She looked so sad, no, she looked heartbroken.

"What are you talking about?" All of Greyson's anger washed away and was soon replaced with compassion for his new friend. As he took a step towards her, he found that she pulled away.

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