Chapter Sixty-Four: Declared

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Karen dove to the floor in an effort to dodge another one of Charlie's frantic axe swings. This was getting ridiculous. Karen thought the words as she shoved her foot into his left shin causing his leg to fly out from under him. Charlie's body smacked face first into the hard wood that littered the dining room, more black blood oozing from his nose.

A smile splintered Karen's stern expression, she was finally getting somewhere. Charlie paused long enough to wipe the goo from his lips before charging Karen with the axe again. Karen ducked right as the axe swung for her neck. This was not how she pictured adulthood.

Throwing her fist out, Karen landed a heavy punch to Charlie's gut causing him to double over. Karen could feel the exhaustion trying to pull her under, but she fought against it with every hit she landed on the monster before her. Charlie's fist turned white as his grip on the axe handle intensified. He was not going to let some snot nosed brat take his victory away. Charlie swung the axe once more, only this time he aimed diagonally. He wasn't going to miss this time.

Karen looked up just as the axe was coming down on her. She could feel her heart as it stopped beating, too afraid to go on. This was the end. Karen slammed her eyes shut; she didn't want his wretched face to be the last thing that she saw.

It was in that darkness that Karen waited for death. Her mind tried to draw on a moment from her past, something that would bring her peace right before the end. Karen held her eyes shut so tight that it made her head feel like it was going to rupture, but no matter how long she waited, the pain of being split in two never came for her.

Fear crept over Karen like a slow fog. The temptation to peek was growing strong and melting her determination. She wanted to know what was happening, why he hadn't killed her yet, but perhaps he was waiting for her to look at him before he struck her. If that was the case, then there was no way Karen would ever open her eyes. No matter how much her head ached or how curious she became. She preferred the darkness that left her with a heartbeat.

"It's okay, you can open your eyes." It was a man's voice. He sounded familiar, but at the same time not. Karen knew that it wasn't her father, but who could it be?

The man placed his hand on her shoulder. It was like a large ice cube had taken up residence. The shock of the cold cause Karen's eyes to shoot open. Standing before her was a man wearing a dark grey t-shirt, blue jeans, and a black leather jacket. His chin was covered in stubble and his hair was an ashy brown and in desperate need of a cut. Karen's eyes squinted as she tried to place his face. Perhaps she knew him from a distant past or maybe when he took better care of himself.

"Do I know you?" The question hit her lips at the same time she placed his face. Offering a crooked smile, the patted Karen's shoulder again. "Wait, aren't you the guy who dropped me off here?"

Joe's smile widened. "Yeah, sorry about that." Joe's hand left Karen's shoulder and found its place rubbing the back of his neck, brushing up against the ends of his shaggy hair. If he'd known what he knew now, Joe would have never left her here and he certainly wouldn't have brought Sophie.

"How could you have known?" Karen didn't know why but tears began to brim the bottom of her eyes. Every day she'd spent trapped in this place was a horror show, but now, standing in front of him, she felt relief wash over her. With him she felt safe, even if she was still in the middle of a battlefield. This man who she had no name to call him by was her haven in the darkness that surrounded her.

"Guilt doesn't exist in reason." Joe smiled at Karen as tears streamed down his cheeks. The answer was something his father had told him after his mother passed.

Karen didn't wait another second, in a rush of need she wrapped her arms around him. Joe stood frozen for a moment before returning her embrace. It was during this hug that reality hit Karen in the face. "What happened to Charlie?" Karen asked the question after pulling out of his arms.

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