Chapter Sixty-Eight: Bittersweet Sorrows Part Two

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Jason charged, he wasn't about to let this child show him up, let alone beat him. Not wanting to risk the chance of getting stabbed again, Jason dove to the ground hoping to slide just enough to knock her legs out from under her. He didn't care what it took, he would kill her before the sun rose to greet the new day.

Sophie watched every movement her would be attack made. She took note of each droplet of sweat that formed on his brow as he neared. There was no way she was going to let herself get caught off guard again. So, when he went to the ground, she did too.

Jason was already in the motion of sliding as he watched his prey lower herself, knives at the ready. This was not going to be good. Jason tried to stop his slide but found that the laws of motion were undefeatable as much as his opponent was resilient. Either way, he still only had one shot at doing what he needed to and there was nothing he could do but pray to his dark god that he would accomplish what he set out to do.

As Jason neared, Sophie put all her willpower into her hands. It wasn't going to be easy hitting a moving target, but his movements seemed to slow as he grew near. Without a second of hesitation, Sophie stepped to the side as Jason got close enough to do whatever it was, he planned to do narrowly avoiding his assault. With a quick glance to her friends and then back to her future victim, Sophie swung her daggers plunging them threw the air. Jason twisted to look back just in time to miss one of the blades as the second sliced through his shirt and top layer of skin on his back. Anger washed over him like ash after a volcanic eruption. His jaw tightened and teeth set. Jason pushed himself off the floor and tackled the girl and her blades before she could react. 

Wyatt watched in horror and a bit of awe as Sophie and Jason wrestled on the floor. No matter how many times Sophie tried to stab or cut him, Jason always managed to dodge. He was on top of her, his weight slowly crushing the life out of her. Wyatt looked around to all his friends, hoping that at least one of them would feel the same as him.

To his surprise, many of them did, but none of them were willing to step into the fray and help. Wyatt was never one to step out of the crowd and do something that would get him noticed. He'd learned over his long and very brutal life that doing so meant that you got part in the beating, but in this case, he would make an exception.

Not wanting to think about it any longer, Wyatt tackled Jason. The abrupt attack, stunned everyone in the room, including Sophie and Jason. Wyatt wasn't a heavy guy by any means, but his weight combined with gravity was enough to knock any air Jason had left in his body out.

Jason slammed his open palm onto the ground. He could feel his eyes bulging and his face turning red as it seemed to expand and swell. This was not how the fight was supposed to go. He was winning and now this lard of a boy was crushing him right before he was able to claim victory.

Sophie stared up through Jason's limbs at her rescuer. Face set and brows furrow, Wyatt almost beamed from his position atop Jason. In that precise moment, Sophie could not have loved Wyatt more. Out of everyone she'd met in her life and all her friend, he was the only one who was able to push past his fears and inadequacies and come to her rescue. He was the bravest of everyone, including herself.

Lying in that position under the weight of not one, but two boys, Sophie found that other than being a little uncomfortable, she was relatively fine. Not wanting the think about why this would be, she focused all her attention on getting one of her hands free so that she could stab the monster who currently resided in the middle of a human sandwich. She had to be careful though, Wyatt and Jason were a pile of limbs at the moment which meant that if she didn't pay close enough attention, she might hit him. 

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