Chapter 3: Football!

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It's been a week already, full of studying and working hard in school. Now it's time for what Chase has been waiting for, Football season! He, Marshall, Rubble, Zuma, and Rocky are trying out for the team!

Chase's POV:
Finally it was time for what i have been waiting for! Football season! Everyone, except Skye, will tryout for the team. Skye doesn't like football, even though they have a girl's team, she doesn't want to tryout. So me and the pups went to the School's football field to tryout, so excited that me and my friends are doing so!

"Okay, pups, time for some basic warm-ups!" The coach said. We some tough work out there, it was pretty tiring but luckily we got to play a game of football in the end!

So we started off and all my friends are in my team! We did a small game up to 30 wins. So i had the football and i passed it to Marshall, who caught it and ran it. He was passing by them like a beast he was tackled but he passed it to Rocky by this time. Rocky ran it and made a touchdown! 6-0! Rocky kicked the ball, but he missed so it stayed 6-0.

They had the ball now. I attempted to tackle the person on offense but i missed him. Luckily Zuma was there and he got him instead! "Woo-hoo Zuma!" We shouted as Zuma stood in pride as we got the ball. Zuma passed it to Rubble, who then got tackled but quickly passed it to me. They were trying to force me out i quicky passed it to Rocky.

He then passed it to Marshall and Bam! Another touchdown! 12-0 he kicked the ball for another point and... Yes! 13-0! The offense was getting intense now. They managed to get passed Rubble and scored a touch down on us. It was 13-6, they kicked the ball but missed! We had ball now we ran down the field and i passed it to Rocky. Sucks that he got tackled, so they got the ball and we went back on defense.

Eventually after a series of back and forth we finally made a touchdown, well, Zuma did. It was now 19-6, Zuma kicked the ball and gave us an extra point! 20-6. The other pups were mad now... They stormed passed us and made it 20-12, they kicked and made it 20-13. We took it the other way as i heard Skye cheering for me.

"Come on, Chase! You can do it!" She said. I smiled and turned my game face on. I passed it to Rocky so he could pass it to Rubble, but i guess he didn't see him so he just ran it. I called for pass, and he passed since he was nearly going to get tackled. I caught the ball and dodged my defender. I ran the ball and now it's 26-13! I had a chance to make that 27. I looked over at Skye, looking beautiful like always.

Skye's POV
Damn he looks so hot when he plays football... He looked at me when he was about to kick the ball, i never expected that. I just smiled and cheered. "You got this, Chase!" He looked back at the thingy, not sure what's called hehe, and he kicked the ball!

It was now... 27-13! Yes, i knew my Chase could do it! They went back on defense and i like how Rocky runs, not being mean but he runs funny, he's pretty fast though. For a pup that isn't a huge fan of sports he has high stamina and speed. But as i was saying they went back on defense Rocky was a pretty good defender, but, not as good as Chase! They got past Zuma then Rubble and finally Marshall but Chase missed the tackle and they scored a point, no! Now it was 27-19. They kicked the ball and made that 27-20. I know my friends can do it, they've been playing football since we were in Elementary School!

Chase ran the ball and he passes it to Marshall, who eventually passes it to Rubble. Rubble missed the ball and it caused a turnover. Well Rubble was always the 'butterfingers' of the group, he always dropped the ball. So they turned it over and they went on defense, again. I don't know why but i love watching football but i hate playing it. So they ran the ball and Chase had the tackle this time, yay! They now had the ball, this time Rubble started with it, he passed it to Rocky and then to Zuma, i remember before i had a crush on him but they faded away. Zuma ran the ball and made the winning touchdown! They all howled for joy, and so did i! I ran to the field and congratulated them.

"Good game, guys!" I told the boys as they turned around and saw me. "Thanks, Skye." They all said in unison. The coach then blew his whistle and said. "Here are the teams for Varsity and J.V." He then tapped a piece of paper on the billboard, and placed a latter so the pups could see where their name is.

They all went there and i went with them. Eventually they all told me what happened. "I made J.V!" Chase said with pride. "I made J.V too!" Marshall said. Rocky looked and looked and found himself, finally. "I made J.V. but i didn't want to play." Rocky said as the pups and me laughed at how silly Rocky's remark was. "I made Varsity!" Rubble said. We were impressed, how did Rubble make Varsity? We just forgot about our questions and congratulated him. "I made J.V." Zuma said.

Yippie! All my friends made the team! "That's great! I'll so happy for you pups!" I said as i gave a quick backflip. We shared a laughed and we agreed to go over to Rocky's place to celebrate.

Scene change (Rocky's badge)

Rocky's POV
We made it to my apartment. My apartment number was 7. Inside i had a small couch a 17x8 TV. My room, with a huge bed! My kitchen where i make my pup food and snacks. I also had my desk where i reused all the trash i could and used them for handiness around my home. I was proud i actually have my own house. The pups were excited and they all sat down on my couches.

"I'll be back, i'm going to get some beer!" I said as the pups looked at me funny and Rubble questioned. "Hehe beer? How do you have that?" I chuckled and smirked a bit. "I have my ways, be back!" I said as i entered the kitchen. I looked in my secret cabinet and got 3 6-packs of beer.

"I got booze!" I shouted as i set it down on the small coffee table i had. "Alright!" The pups said in excitement. I gave them some plastic cups, i use them and wash them why trash it when you stash it! "Pour me some?" Chase asked as i got a can of beer and opened it and poured it into Chase's cup.

"Me too!" Marshall said as he held out his cup. Basically i served every pup and we waited until i poured some into mine. When i finished pouring a can of beer into my cup i said. "In celebration for us making the football team! On 3 say team. 1...2...3..." "TEAM!" Everyone shouted as we then took a sip of our beer. It was terrible but it was a celebration! "How about we order Pizza?" Rubble suggested.

"Great idea Rubbe!" I said as Zuma took out his pup pad. "How about i call?" He asked. I shook my head no and i got out my home pup pad. "It's okay, i'll call." I said while i dialed the pizza place.

"Hello, can we get 3 large. On 2 make it pepperoni and the other one make it cheese. Also 2 of those 2 letter of pepsi, please. 20 minutes? Okay thank you!" I said as the pups took sips of their beer. "If we get drunk can we crash here?" Rubble asked. I chuckled again and nodded. "sure thing guys."

Scene change (Rubble's badge)

The pizza arrived and we all dug in! We ate and ate and drink lots of pepsi and beer, it was great. Eventually we all did get drunk...
But it was worth it to spend a great time with all my best friends.

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