Chapter 20: Stoners?

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The pup's school hasn't been canceled for Wednesday, so they're currently in lunch. Extra long chapter for 1k views!

Marshall pov

So me and my friends are inside the lil club we made a while ago, you remember. Then i pulled out some green stuff from my backpack.

"Whoa, dude, is that weed?" Zuma asked. I nodded and smirked. "How's you get that?" Chase asked. "I know a pup or two."

"Who wants to blow some and get trippy?" I asked. Everyone raised their paw. I laughed and took out 7 weed pipes. "Here we go." I said as i put some on each pipe.

I gave each pup a different one i took out my lighter. "How do you smoke weed?" Rocky asked. "Yeah, how?" Everest added. I guess everyone but them knew how to. "Just watch me, ok?" I told them.

They nodded and i turned on my lighter and i put it near the weed. When it caught it i felt the smoke and i blew it off, slightly coughing. "Like that." I said as i turned off the lighter and tossed it to Rocky. "You try." I took out another 6 lighters and i tossed them to each pup.

"Ok..." Rocky said nervously. Rocky turned on the lighter and put it near the weed. Soon it lit up and Rocky sucked in the smoke and exhaled it out. "Is it suppose to hurt your trough?" He asked. I shook my head a no.

"Not after a long time of smoking." I said as i did some more inhalation. Every pup, but Everest, did one blow by now. "Hey, Everest, what's wrong?" Skye asked. "Nothing, i'm just nervous of doing this."

"Don't worry, it's not that bad." Zuma reassured her. "Yeah, it's pretty good actually." Chase added. "I can agree on that, no argument." Rubble commented.

"I suppose, here goes." Everest said as she lit the weed with the lighter. She inhaled the smoke and shortly exhaled it, she started to cough. Rocky patted her back until she stopped. "Better?" Rocky asked. "Yeah." Everest softly said.

"Enough, you love birds." Rubble said. Rocky shot a 'shut up' look. We only laughed as we did some more. "Anyone high yet?" Chase asked. "Nope." I said. "Nada." Rocky added.

"Feelin' it." Zuma said. "Nothing." Skye said. "Just start, haha." Everest said, laughing at the end. "I am." Rubble said. We all looked at him and Skye said. "Prove it."

"Alright, fine, i'm not. Yet! I can feel it a bit, though." He said as he put the pipe back on his mouth and lit up the weed again. "Well this isn't exactly weed from here, it's from Mexico so it takes a while." I told them as i exhaled the smoke.

"Can anyone do twicks?" Zuma asked. None of us answered, only tried. Everest ended up coughing, while Rocky patted her back again. Zuma did a trick where the smoke came out of his nose. Rubble did the same one. Chase make the smoke go around in a circle. Skye only exhaled it in my face, we laughed at that. I did the same to Skye to get back at her.

"I see some of us can." Rocky said. "Expect me." Everest said. "Don't trip about it, it's your first time." I told her. I exhaled some more smoke, it was really starting to smell like weed in here. I suddenly started feeling funny. "Oh! Who's feelin' funny?" I asked.

"Not me." Everest said as he exhaled some smoke. "I am, i can see rainbows!" Rubble said as his eyes turned red. "Same, about time!" Chase added as he started spinning. "Not yet." Skye said as she started to inhale some smoke. "Nearly there!" Rocky said. "I'm high alweady." Zuma said.

"Marshall, the spiders won't stop barking! Tell them to shut up." Zuma said. I looked around and saw some spiders who wouldn't shut up. "HEY! Shut your damn m-mouth!" I shouted as i laughed and asked. "What's goin' on?"

"There's no spider, Marsha-." Skye said before she was interrupted by me blowing smoke into her face, making her close her eyes. "Shhh... They're telling us about the time when ponies used to rule Paris." I said as the walls kept on telling the story.

"And so, George the brave pony ruled the land and all it's people. Sadly humans came in and killed George and all his knights." One wall said. I gasped and said. "That's awful!"

"OOP! I FEEL IT NOW!" Rocky shouted as he laughed. "SHUT UP!" Rubble yelled as i inhaled some smoke. "Y-Yeah, shut up!" Added as i exhaled. "I feel it!" Skye added to that.

"Yeah, yeah i heard you the first time mother!" Chase said as he spun around a bit. "B-But... I'm not your mother." Skye replied. "You're not?! Huh... Oh well." Chase said as we laughed.

"Everest, are you feeling it?" Zuma asked. She shook her head a no and exhaled some smoke. "Oh, n-now i am!" She said. We all cheered, "woo-hoo!" I said as i exhaled my smoke. I tried to inhale more but i noticed i was out. "Hey, Marshall, do you have more?" Chase asked.

"Nope, none that was all." I said. "Boo! You stick." Zuma said.

"Zuma, shut your mouth." Rubble said as he laughed. "Can you stop?!" Skye shouted. "W-What am i doing?" Rubble asked.

"Not you, this damn wall keeps breathing on me! Go the hell away!" She shouted at Frank. "Don't yell at Frank!" I yelled. "Don't yell at me, and who the fuck is Frank?" She yelled back.

"Huh? Who's that?" I asked. Skye face-pawed and Chase laughed. "This is great, do you like the dancing spiders?" Rocky asked us.

"I love it!" Everest said. "Oh yeah? Well i fucking hate it." I said as i laughed. "Shut up, i like it." Zuma said. Everyone's weed pipes were empty by now, damn these pups smoke quick. "Where are the spiders again?" I asked. "Theres one on your head." Skye said.

"Shut up, no way." I said. "No, Marshall, it's Eddie the Spider! Don't you remember him?" Chase said. "Who the hell is that?" I asked.

"Your daddy." Rubble said as he laughed hard. "No, now shut your mouth." I told him. "Look he's giving us ice cream!" Everest said. "That ain't no ice cream, you cwazy." Zuma said. "I-I can dream!" Everest said.

"Yeah! Let E-Everest dream!" Rocky added. We all laughed at how funny this was. "Who's Everest?" Chase asked. "She's right here." Zuma said as he pointed to Everest.

"Yeah, don't be so mean to my g-girl." Rocky added. "Well i don't care, but who's touching me?" Chase said. I looked down at his feet and saw nothing. "Shut up, fiend." I said.

"That's disrespectful, Marshall." Rubble said as he coughed. There was smoke on the roof, all over. "I dont give a fuck." I said as i looked over at Eddie the Spider, who was still dancing.

"Stop dancing, you suck!" Zuma said as he threw the weed pipe at Eddie, making him fall off into the ground. "Hey, don't throw my pipe!" I said as i laughed that the spider fell.

Everybody laughed uncontrollably. Then we heard. "ZUMA, CHASE, MARSHALL, SKYE, EVEREST, ROCKY, AND RUBBLE REPORT TO THE OFFICE NOW!"

We all paused and i asked. "What's going on?"

"Pack up your pipes, let's go." Chase said as he threw me his pipe. They all gave it to me and i put it in my backpack. We then left our hangout and ran straight towards the office.

Scene change (Marshall's Badge)

"Drug test now." The staff in the front desk demanded. We all went into a room with some people in it.

"Who are you?" I asked. They didn't answer and they eventually all did some weird tests on us and went outside the room and closed the door. We eavesdropped on them and heard.

"They're high, ma'am." One said. "Well i expect that from them." The principal said. "How so?" Another asked. "Because they're stoners." She replied. "How often are they high?" One asked. "10-15 times a month." She replied.

"So were stoners?" Skye asked. I nodded and said. "I guess we are."

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