Chapter 39: Where are you?

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Everest has gained consciousness and has no idea what happened, let's see how everything goes for this pup.

Everest pov

I woke up on the cold floor and saw several robots and my friends laying down the ground as well. "What's going on?" I said to myself as i got up. When i looked at a wall i saw there was a hole there, a giant one too. I looked at where Rocky was and saw he was strangely not there. I looked around and finally remembered what has happened. I looked at Rocky's dad and saw he was knocked out too and the other pups we were standing with had their fur all up.

"Strange..." I said as i walked towards the pups. I touched Marshall but instead of shaking him, i got a shock. "Ow!" I cried as i felt the electricity hit my own fur. I looked at the others who weren't possibly filled with electricity and walked towards them. Everything was awfully quiet, and i have no idea where Rocky is either.

I checked Spot's pulse and he was still fine. I shock him and he finally woke up. "What's going on?" He said as he got up. I let him study the room and he had a shocked face when he realized what was going on. "Oh man, did Rocky die?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, i don't even know myself so i couldn't answer his question.

Then, one-by-one, all the pups gained consciousness again. "Where's Rocky?" Everyone asked. I rolled my eyes and shrugged again. "I don't even know myself!" I said with slight annoyance. We saw Rocky's dad, or Rusty, get up and groan. "Ah! The crazy man has awoken!" Spots said as he jumped on Marshall's back. "Get the fuck off me." Marshall said as he tossed him on the ground.

"I feared this day would come, follow me." Rusty said as he did a quick shake and left the room. "What is he talking about?" Zuma asked us. We stayed quiet we followed Rusty where ever he was going. "I know what happened to Rocky." Rusty said as he started typing in some weird stuff in his giant super computer.

"Okay what happened then?" I asked as i looked around, searching for my pups. "His brother, Jackson, took him and now is probably going to kill him. He shot me but luckily it hit me on the spot i happen to somehow be bullet proof, making him think he killed me as well." He said as he quickly typed in a code and an address named. Rocky-Collar-Tracker-No.10297374. "Why is your son attempting to kill his brother and tried to kill you?" Alan asked.

I saw a room opened with a slight creak and i tracked my pup's scent. I ran inside and there the basket was, my pups were inside. I instantly ran towards them and i picked them up. They were peacefully sleeping, not in any kind of panic at all and they appear to be well feed and not even hungry as well. Did he happen to feed them for me and Rocky? I guess he wasn't such a bad guy, but i can't just call him a good guy either he needs to prove he actually is good enough for us to trust him after what he has done to Rocky.

I walked back inside the other room with everyone else and heard Rusty say. "Ok... Back when Rocky was just a little pup...


Young Adult Rusty Pov

"Dad why is brother always saying that robots have feelings too?" My oldest son, Jackson, asked me as he walked inside the living room. "You see, son, Rocky is always saying that they have a right to that when they don't." I said as i picked him up and placed him on my chair with me. "But i agree with Rocky, he created his own robot with feelings too and let me tell you that this robot is awesome!" Jackson cried.

"He created his own you say?" I said as i raised an eyebrow. He nodded and i got off my chair. "You two are the only ones who don't get it." I said as i walked towards the cooler. "Huh? What do you mean, dad? Don't they have a right since it's Rocky's robot?" He asked as i poured some wine on my wine glass. I sighed and turned around to face Jackson.

I took a sip of my wine and i felt refreshed. "Son, i told you, robots do not have feelings. Only pups can have feelings, now go tell Rocky to destroy that robot or else." I told him as i went back to my chair. "But how about Clara, she loves it too." He responded with a disappointed tone. "I said destroy it now or you will never be the pup i am today!" I shouted as i sipped more of my wine.

"But." He said before i interrupted. "Just let my will be done and destroy it!" I shouted, making me drop a bit of wine on the couch. "Fine! Just you watch! I'll prove one day that robots can be effective and still have feelings and i'll make them kill you!" He yelled as he slammed the door and stomped out. I rolled my eyes and chugged my wine, with annoyance.

End of flashback

Everest pov

"He never included me, my wife, or his siblings." He said as he searched around in a map. "Then who raided this house when Rocky was a pup?" Chase wondered as the map started blurring up. "Jackson built his first of many robot armies and it killed us all, at least most of us. I always neglected him and Rocky the most, the others went with my beliefs and i suppose Jackson just spared Rocky. I did manage to escape, in time for Jackson to leave and give up." He answered as the computer started beeping and in big green letters it said. 'Target located.'

"Whos the target?" Cindy asked as Rusty clicked on it. "Rocky, he's around Jake's Mountain." He said as he zoomed in to find a small cabin in a lake near by the mountain. "He's all the way over there? But that's like 40 miles away." Rubble said as he looked at the locate. Then Rusty faced Rubble and said.

"Looks like we're going on a road trip."

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