Chapter 6: Rocky's in love

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It's Sunday now, Saturday was just a lazy day and nothing important really happened. We are now focusing on Rocky and Everest's relationship. Also short chapter!
Rocky's POV
I wanted to text her but i don't want to seem needy. I looked at my pup pad again and saw no messages for me. I sighed of disappointment and i went go get a snack, just for fun. I got a pup treat and i quickly ate it, then i went back to lay down on my bed. I heard a message and when i did i ran to my pup pad.

Aw it was only Zuma...
'hey dude wanna hang out? :p'
'Sure thing buddy :D'
'ok wt time'
'3 will be good'
'K see you laters!'
We texted for a bit and planned to hang out soon. I looked at Everest's contact. Maybe i should text first or i don't know...

I texted her. Oh god what the hell did i do i wasn't supposed to do that!
'Hi, Rocky!'
Wow! She texted back almost instantly! That probably means something, right?
'Hey everest!'
'Do you want to go to mr porter's with me for lunch?'
'Sure what time?'
'How about 12 if you are able to
'Oh sure of course i will be able to!'
'Okay. See you later!'
She wants to hang out with me, yes!

This is a big accomplishment for me, my first girlfriend possibly!

Scene change (Everest's Badge)

It was 12 PM now. I was early, since i don't want to be late to hang out with her! I see her! I see her! I waited patiently for her to arrive and sit down. "Hey Rocky!" She said.

"Hey, E-Everest." I said as Mr. Porter came to take our order for lunch. "Hello, pups, what can i get you today?" I let Everest go first to show her that i was using my manners. She held up the menu and quickly spotted something she liked. "Can i have the liver- flavored pup food?" She asked. Mr Porter wrote it down in his notebook and looked at me.

"I'll take the pup food with extra cheese." I told him while he placed my order and then asked if we wanted soda or water. "Can you make liver-flavored tea?" Everest asked. I forgot to tell you pups she loves liver-flavored foods. "Of course, now you Rocky?" Mr. Porter asked me. I looked around the menu and i saw my favorite drink, score!

"I'll have a vanilla coca cola, please." I tell him. He writes it down too then dashed off to his kitchen. Me and Everest started talking about high school and i told her that i'm in the football team. "Wow, Rocky, i never thought you would play football!" She told me as Mr. Porter came with our drinks. "I know, my friends pushed me into doing so. I'm not sure how i even made the team, or a touchdown." I told her.

She giggled and took a sip of her tea, while i too opened my can of vanilla coke. "Mmm." we both said. Refreshing and yet good at the same time! "I see, i just didn't see that because. You're such a sweet and kind pup." Everest said. Hearing this, i could help but feel a bit weird and felt my cheeks getting hot. "Thanks, Everest. Do you play any sports or do anything, clubs?" I Asked her. She shook her head and then and this gave me an idea! "Would you like to join a Recycling Club i'm going to join soon?" I asked her.

Our food came and we took a quick bite and she answered. "Sure, sounds fun!" I smiled and told her. "Great! Now let's eat!" I said as we started digging in. It was delicious! I paid for everything, which was pretty cheep only 17$! So it was 2:47. "I have to get going." I told her. I remembered Zuma wants to play pup pup boogie with me at his house and i can't deny my best friend.

"Oh ok, want to hang out after school tomorrow?" She asked. We stopped walking at the stop sign and i nodded. "Of course!" I told her. She smiled and then licked my cheek, her face was red for some reason. "Thanks for everything today! I had so much fun." She told me. I nodded and then gave her a goodbye hug. "See you at school, Everest." I told her as i pulled away. She grinned and we went our separate ways. I looked back at her real quick. I sighed, but if joy. Then it hit me... I'm in love.

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