Chapter 4: Back to school dance

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The pups were still in that hangover stage, they called in sick.
Chase's POV
Yesterday was insane, but a good insane. I still felt hungover... I woke up in the kitchen with Skye on top of me. I gently set her down and went out to the living room. Rocky's walls were painted green, i just realized that. I saw Rubble sleeping on the couch and Marshall near by the door. I had to pee so i went inside the bathroom... Only to see Zuma in the bath tub! I closed the curtains and went #1.

When i finished i washed my hands and went to see where Rocky was. I looked in his room and the only things i saw was a pup bed,A big one. A poster of recycling, his closet, and a picture of all 6 of us on top of his dresser.

I looked round and i eventually thought he would be in he closet. When i opened it i only saw some shoes, his old baseball bat from the little league, and the sweater he got last year from middle school. I wonder where the hell is Rocky? I looked at his pup bed and saw a figure. I took off the blanket and it was Rocky! Oh wow, the most obvious place ever.

"Turn off the lights.. I have a headache." Rocky said as he opened one eye and put a paw on his head. "Alright, see you later Rocky." I said as i covered him with the blanket again. I walked again and i stepped in something. I saw what was it and it was Rocky's pup pad. I knew it was since we had our pup pads customized in our favorite colors and Rocky's was green. I unlocked it and saw an event was today, it was Friday. It was the back to school dance, oh no! I unlocked his phone and set it next to Rocky. I walked back into the living room and then to the Kitchen, where Skye was still sleeping on the cold hard floor. I picked her up and set her on my back, since she should sleep somewhere more comfortable.

My apartment was next to Rocky's, apartment number 8. But i set down Skye on the other couch so she could sleep better. I then went to my apartment and saw the way how i left it.

In my home i had a TV the same size as Rocky's, a long couch that can hold up to 6 pups! A small coffee table and a lamp on a counter. Also there was my reward wall, that had the rewards i won over the years. One for football in 6th grade, one for soccer in 8th grade, and some other ones i'll list later on. My walls were painted blue, since i love blue. I went inside my kitchen and grabbed a snack, pup treat. Then i went to my room got some supplies so i can make a proper way to ask Skye to the dance.

I put on a couple of pictures i had of me and her. It had a purple background and i added a couple of memos that we had, like a necklace she gave me back then. Then i glued on the pictures and it was all done! Uh oh! I needed something else, i know! I wrote down, in my neatest handwriting, 'Skye, will you go the dance with me?' I just hope she says yes...

So i kept that on my desk in my room, that had posters of famous athletes like Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, etc. So i went back to Rocky's apartment, locking my apartment of course. Then entered and saw the pups were still fast asleep. I looked over at Skye... When the time is right i'll ask her, i went to the couch where she was. I laid down and took a nap...

Scene change (Chase's badge)

Skye's POV
I woke up, surprisingly not hungover as i thought i would be. I remember last night i tried to kiss Chase, funny right. So i saw Chase was next to me but it looked like he moved me, or i think he did. So went to wake him up... "Chase" i whispered as i shook him lightly. He opened one eye and jumped up when he saw it was me.

"Morning, Skye!" He said. "Morning, Chase, how'd you sleep?" I asked, hoping he forgot about the kiss thing. He yawned and looked around and said. "Good, you?" We both went down the couch and walked over to the kitchen as i said. "I had a good sleep, i'm hungry want to eat something?" I told him as i headed for the refrigerator. "Sure, i know you can cook. But if you can, can you make pancakes?" Chase told me as i smiled and took out the necessary tools to make the pancakes.

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