Chapter 15: double date

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Explicit stuff: Mild Language,

Since the confessions from yesterday the two new couples are going on a double date day to newly built Olive Garden! Medium sized chapter. (Sorry for quick ending!)

Chase pov

I can't wait! Me and Skye are going on a double date with Rocky and Everest! We're going to Olive Garden they just built, it's across the street from the train station or near by it i think.

We're not going formal, since we all hate formal clothing. I knocked at Zuma's door, i was going to ask him if we can use his old hovercraft to go to Seal Island.

"Hey, dude, what's up?" He asked as he opened the door. "I need to ask you a favor." I told him as he stepped out and closed the door. "It better not be dwug welated, because i just sold some to Marshall."

I gave Zuma a 'really nigga?' Look and i just shook it off and said. "No, the favor is if you can drive me, Skye, Everest, and Rocky to Seal Island." Zuma put on his thinking face and then looked over where the lookout was. "But we can't dwive a car on water." He told me, obviously playing dumb.

"I meant your hovercraft, Zuma." I corrected. Zuma chuckled nervously and then said. "Oh would you look at the time, i gotta... Uh... Go. Yeah i gotta go." He said nervously, again.

I gave a '-_-' face and then said. "No you don't, just please do me this one favor." Zuma sighed and then nodded his head. "Fine i guess i'll do it, don't get mad at me if it breaks down." Zuma said as he shot a serious expression.

"Ok, and about the breaking down thing Rocky can fix that, and thanks." said as i went towards Skye's apartment. "Your welcome." Zuma said while he opened his door to his apartment. Glad he said he can drive us there. I thought to myself as i went upstairs.

I knocked on Skye's door and i patiently waited for her to open. I started to play a little bit of soccer with a small pebble i found outside her doorstep. She was taking awhile, is she ok? Well girls do take a while to get ready... I kicked the pebble and the came back to me when it the wall.

I kicked it again and returned back to me. I started to do mini-tricks with it and then i kicked it a bit too hard. It the wall and flew towards the stairs. I went to check where it landed and it fell down the stairs, landing in front of a plant they had.

I sighed of boredom. Maybe she's taking a shower? I thought. I knocked on her door again, no answer. I just curled into a ball in front of her door and started day dreaming.

Scene change (Chase's badge)

Skye finally got out, turns out i was knocking on the wrong door oops! So we met up with Rocky and Everest over at the new Olive Garden i was talking about. "Hey pups." I said as we met up.

"Hey!" They both said in unison. We went inside, we already had reservations for our table so we didn't have to wait! They had a pup section, where we can order food specialized for pups to eat.

The waitress came and took our orders. "I'll have the pup food flavored pizza." I said. She wrote down my order went to Skye's order. "I'll have pup flavored salad." She said as she set down the menu. I find it awesome how they managed to make our pup food taste like human food, and still be healthy for us!

"I'll have the normal pup food." Rocky said. "I'll have the liver flavored pup food, please." Everest said. I don't know why she likes liver, to me it's gross... "Drinks?" The waitress asked.

"Just coke." "Diet coke." "Vanilla coke." "Water" we were all equally surprised Everest just said water. We didn't expect that from her. The waitress nodded and got the orders in.

We waited a bit for our food and drinks we talked about school and how it SUCKSSSSS. Then our food and drinks came.

"Well, let's eat!" Rocky announced as the waitress set down the food. We ate our food, paid the bill and we went home.

It was a good double date if you ask me!

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