Chapter 27: Zuma's crazy

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Rocky's alone in his apartment, Everest went home since it was late, Rocky is only channel surfing and bored.

Rocky pov

I'm so bored, i swear i passed by like 5 porn channels by now. I sighed and turned off the the tv. I went on my pup pad and went on an app called Flappy Bird. It was so annoying but addictive, my high score was 21. (Insert 21 vine meme here XD) I went threw 1 pipe, 2pipes, 3 pipes, 4 pipes, 5 pipes, 6 pipes, 7 pipes, 8 pipes, 9 pipes, 10 pipes, 11 pipes, 12 pipes, 13 pipes, 14 pipes, 15 pipes, 16 pipes, 17 pipes, 18 pipes, 19 pipes, 20 pipes? 21 pipes, 22 pipes. Wow i beat my high score...

26 pipes, 27 pipes. I heard my door open and that scared me, also making me die in the game with 29 pipes. "Hey Wocky." Zuma said as he walked in and slammed the door closed. "Hey Zuma..." I said awkwardly. I still wasn't comfortable around Zuma, i didn't know what to expect. "A-Ar-Are you gay?" I asked him.

"Y-Yes i am and i like you." He replied. "But, can you like Rubble or Marshall? Not be mean here, but i love Everest and i can't love you that way." I told him straight up, well i had to give him the truth i'm not gay. "You will love me that way." Zuma said as he sat next to me, making me really uncomfortable. "Sorry but i won't." I told him as he got closer.

I backed up, i was really scared i was practically shivering. Zuma's stronger than me like in the kiss he gave me when we were at Rubble's place, Chase was the one who pulled him away not me. "Looks like Chase isn't here." Zuma said with a smirk. His breath smelled like weed, he's been smoking. "Hehe, yeah..." I said nervously.

"Your eyes are pewfect." He said. I scooted back a bit more and didn't reply, i never saw this side of Zuma before... I always thought he liked girls, not guys. Then Zuma shoved me against the couch and began to kiss me again. "MHHHHMM!" I shouted, trying to tell him to stop. I turned away but it's like our lips were glued together.

He finally pulled away and said. "What's good for you?" He smirked and i had no idea what he meant by that. "What are you talking about?" I asked as i wiped my lips and spit on the floor. I tried getting up but he kept me down. "Oral or anal!" He shouted. Oh my god, i'm getting molested by my own best friend... "Neither." I said back.

"You have to choose." He said as he touched my penis. "Hehe, let's not be hasty Zuma, please just leave me alone." I said as i looked at my pup pad, which wasn't very far. "No no no." Zuma said. He began to rub it and the reflect of it made me have an erection. "See you are gay, just like me." He said with a smirk.

"W-What?! No!" I shouted as i tried to escape but he pressed on my chest, also hurting a lot. "If you don't like it, then why are you excited?" He asked. Well duh, Everest would be the one doing that, she did that before she left... "Well probably because my brain thinks you're Everest and that she's the one stroking me and not you." I said.

"Too bad." Zuma said as he went to kiss me again. Before he did i punched his face and he fell down to the ground, covering his face with his paws. I quickly got my pup pad and ran towards the door. "WHAT THE FUCK WOCKY?!" Zuma yelled as he threw the vase i had on my coffee table at me.

It landed near me and it broke into thousands of pieces. My paws stepped on the broken pieces and it began to cut and go inside me. I yelped as i opened the door and ran out. Every time i walked it hurt a lot. Zuma dashed out and tried to tackle me i ran towards the stairs and Zuma still chased after me.

Right when i got to the stairs i let Zuma pass by and before he could stop, i tripped him. He started falling down the stairs. I felt guilty for doing that but he was about to rape me so that's a good reason to do that... Right? Zuma landed on his head as he reached the bottom. He didn't get up, he was completely still. "Zuma?" I said as i started to go down the stairs slowly.

Zuma suddenly got up and yelled. "I WILL FUCK YOU AND YOU'LL LIKE IT!" I flinched and ran towards Chase's apartment, which was next to mine. Before i could knock, Zuma grabbed my leg and threw me to the handle bars.

Chase pov

"I love you Skye." I said as i kissed her. Me and Skye were having a romanic home made pizza. "I love you too." Skye said as she got another slice. (Did this just to show what Chase is actually doing)

Rocky pov

Zuma was trying to kill me, not joking! "See what happens when you mess with me." Zuma said as he punched my face. I was already beat up, i had bruises on my legs and cuts on my face. "Please stop." I said as i tried to back away. "Looks like you're too much of a pussy to be straight, you should be gay." Zuma said as he punched me again.

I felt like he was going to beat me to death, i was really scared i really didn't know what to do. He kicked my face and it felt like i was actually going to die today... "Prove me wrong and fight back." Zuma shouted in my face. Why would Zuma do this? I thought he was my friend... "I'll kill that husky girl so we can be together!" Zuma said with a smirk. I don't know what came into me but i punched it him right back and tossed him off of me and i punched him in the face.

"You think you can call me a faggot and say you'll kill my girl and you think you can get away with it?! Well then, i'll teach you what this nerd can do!" I yelled at him. I don't know why but i snapped when he brought up Everest. I kicked his face and then bit his tail he gave out a loud yelp and i grabbed his ear and i threw him towards the bars.

As he crashed on them i pulled his ear and punched his face repeatedly. I was never a fighter, i never knew i actually had this kind of strength. I finally threw him back on the ground and kicked his stomach. "That's right, bitch, never talk shit about Everest!" I yelled as i spit on him. I think i yelled that too loudly and all the pups came out from the apartments.

"Whoa what happened here?" Marshall asked with a yawn. "I told Wocky i would kill his bitch and i totally would haha!" Zuma said mockingly. I turner around and gave him the evil eye. "You bitch, i'll kill you!" I shouted as i tackled him. He bit my ear but i scratched his face and i then punched his face while i was at it. "Rocky!" I heard Chase shout.

I ignored him and i got Zuma by the ears and i threw him down to the ground below. "ROCKY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" They all yelled. As soon as i broke out of my hateful trance i instantly felt weaker and more pain. My anger levels went down extremely low, like something or someone was controlling me!

"Rocky, what the hell man?" Rubble said as they all went down stairs. I looked back down and i saw Zuma was motionless on a bush, with blood coming out of him. "Zuma? Zuma!" I said as i gasped i ran down stairs with them. As i rejoined them i saw Chase was bring Zuma down. He checked his pulse and Chase gave me a dirty look.

"He's alive but barely." Chase said as he looked back down on Zuma. "call 911!" Skye shouted. Marshall took out his pup pad and said. "Quick, what's the number for 911?!" Marshall asked with his pup pad ready. "911 dumbass." Rubble said jokingly. Marshall dialed 911 as i kept my distance. "Yes, we need paramedics here and fast!" Marshall reported. I kept my distance, not wanting to get the pups mad.

I don't know what made me attack Zuma like that. Why did i even attack for all that matters?

Mystery pov

Excellent, Rocky has finally kicked in his fighting spirt. I knew all i had to do was inject him with that shot last night. If he killed Zuma that'll be great, the others will tease and be hateful towards then and Rocky will kill them all! Hahahaha! My plan is working out perfectly!

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