Chapter 32: Confusion

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I know it's a crappy way to celebrate 3k, but every chapter i'm gonna post what's been goin' on in ma life *_*. So yeah, sorry for the crappy way of celebration, i promise 4k will be way better :). Oh! Also, good news! I'm going to make a prequel as a way of also celebrating! :D! If we get 4k by the time i finish this story, i will make a sequel to this story! I already have a name for it too- Older and Wiser. So yeah, 4k, come on everybody! Read until we hit 1M
(Like never) xD!

Ok!!! Let's see how things go from here.

Rocky pov

It's been a day since most of us reunited with siblings or old friends. Gaby's been sleeping in my house for the past few days. Since i am the leader of the group, i'm going to make Gaby's addition to the squad official. What i think will go wrong is Everest, she's been giving me the cold shoulder for a while now.

"Rocky?" I suddenly heard. I was awoken from my thoughts and saw Gaby was trying to talk to me. "Huh? Oh hey, Gaby." I said in response to her call. I stood up on the couch and got off. "Hey Rocky." She replied. I walked towards the window and outside i saw the school.

The school was in session, we called in sick haha. "So where are the other pups?" I asked her. She looked away when i looked at her, she was acting weirdly lately is she scared of me? "I-I... Um uh... Don't know, Rocky. I d-don't know." She replied nervously, as she looked down at her paws and took glances at me when she paused.

"Oh well ok then." I said as i looked back out the window. It was a wet day today, not the day for me, so i'm staying inside since it's raining. "So what do you want to do?" Gaby asked. I looked into a chest that was near by and began to look as i said. "Watch." I dug around some stuff i had from beer cans to old paper. Then i pulled out something.

"Monopoly?" Gaby asked. I nodded and gave a quick smile. "Like how we used to play years ago." I told her as i set the monopoly game down on the coffee table. "After all these years you still kept the game?" She asked. I nodded again and opened up the game. There was the board, a couple chance cards and the other type of cars were lost, we lost them along time ago. Then i took out two game pieces, a dog and a shoe.

I got out all the money for the game and i threw the empty box across the room. "Wow." Gaby commented as i threw it. I looked at her and back at the game, i set up the game by putting it how it should be. When i opened the board i saw some marker prints on the game board, from the day i went to her house and we colored on top of this board. "Cool." I commented as i gave her the shoe.

"I always had the shoe, can i have the dog this time?" She asked. I groaned and nodded with a small smile. I handed her the game piece of the dog and she handed me back the shoe. "Ok, remember how to play? Because i don't." I told her. She nodded and said. "Yeah, i still remember, i think."

"Can you teach me?" I asked her. She came down to the coffee table and she started to explain the rules to me and how to exactly play and all that. After she told me, we were ready to play, it sounded pretty easy too i wonder how'll i do. "Well, ladies first." I said as we set down our game pieces. Before we could even start the game, Marshall bursted in without knocking.

"Sup dicks." Marshall bursted out loudly as his brother Spots came in. "What are you doing here?" I replied with an attitude. "Just stopped by to check if you two weren't doing it." Marshall said as he sat down next to Gaby. "Marshall..." Spots said with a serious face as he sat down next to his older brother.

"Well can you, like, get out of here?" I asked impatiently. Marshall smirked and got up. "Well, ok then, just because i need to sell Rubble some more weed anyway." Marshall said as Spots stood up with him. "Brother, you know Mom and Dad would beat you if they found out you were selling drugs." Spots suddenly stated.

"So?" Marshall said with an attitude. I looked at Gaby really quick and she looked uncomfortable, and that i can understand. "Just saying." Spots added as they walked out the door. Before Marshall closed it, he told me. "Oh and Rocky." I looked at him. "Everest told me to tell you that she's pregnant." Marshall then closed the door before i could even reply.

Everest didn't want to tell me personally? Well why would she not want to? My aggressive behavior is over now. "Who's Everest?" Gaby asked with a bit of concern. "Just my ex-girlfriend, nothing to worry about..." I told her as i looked down at the game board. "Oh... Do you... Maybe... Wanna talk about it?" She asked.

I looked at her crystal blue eyes and shook my head. "Nah, it's fine." I told her with a frown. I looked at the game again, not feeling in the mood to play anymore. "I don't really feel like playing anymore anyways." I added.

Gaby pov

I can tell this whole Everest thing has really gotten Rocky upset, but the question i have is why she even left Rocky? I mean. He's a great pup, and a charming one too. He's nice, kind, smart, and.... Well... Cute. Ok ok, i may have a small crush on him but who doesn't. "Ok..." I replied, trying not make myself look strange in front of Rocky.

But Rocky's friend, Marshall, really did catch my eye. I never thought i would like anyone else, other than Rocky. But Marshall... I don't know why but something about him makes me have the same feeling i get when i'm with Rocky. Plus, if Rocky's going to be a dad i don't want to ruin it so i think me and Rocky isn't going to happen.

That really sucks, i always liked him that way since we were little puppies, i guess it just wasn't meant to be. But i mean me and Rocky have a connection. Me and Marshall are both Dalmatians and he looks like my type. I don't know, i'm so confused as to who i like at the moment... Maybe i should give it sometime?

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