Chapter 43: Forgive and Forget

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EXPLICIT STUFF: clean chapter...

A couple hours after the last chapter, Rusty has found a place where he could stay. Let's go to Rocky's POV.

Rocky pov

I woke up from my nap i took on the couch. I looked over my shoulder and saw Everest and my pups were still asleep. I yawned as i quietly jumped off and stretched, i felt fully recharged and great. I looked outside and saw it was sunset, i always liked the sunset. I tip toed towards the door and silently left the room like a ninja.

I saw Rusty with a briefcase. "Dad, what's in the case?" I questioned as i neared him. He stopped and turned around to look at me and then at the briefcase and again at me. "I found a place where i could stay." He said. I walked until i was exactly right next to him. "Where are you going, dad?" I asked. He gently placed the briefcase down and took out a printed sheet of computer paper.

"I'm going to New York, Rocky." He said as he showed me the boat tickets. "On a boat?" I asked. He nodded as he folded the paper and put it away. "Precisely in an hour, the boat will arrive on the bay here." He stated as he grabbed his case, possibly full of his prized items and clothing. "But that's so far away. Can you do me one favor at least?" I asked.

"Sure, what is it." He asked. I sat down on the ground and kicked a rock. "If you see a boy named Ryder, please tell him we sent him greetings from Adventure Bay. Tell him this exactly- The pups of the PAW Patrol from Adventure Bay send you greetings." I asked, thinking of the low chances he would ever catch a glance at Ryder.

"Ok, if i see and hear of a boy named Ryder i'll tell him that." Rusty said as he looked at his watch. I took a quick peak as well and i saw it was 4:47 PM. "I really got to go, Rocky, boat will be here in 13 minutes, two from New York actually." He said as he began to walk downstairs. "Can i come with?" I asked so suddenly.

He paused for a second and he looked at me from downstairs. He nodded as he gave a small smile, i followed behind him. "So, i believe you have everything well for you up here. Great friends, great life, great family. Only if your mom could've seen how you turned out." He said as he looked down and walked, i can tell he's really changed but why?

"Yeah, i'm grateful for having a great life." I responded as we got closer to the docks. It was 4:57, according to my dad's watch. I looked at the shore and i saw the boats, sailing their way here. We arrived at the beach and i watched as the boats got closer. We stayed quiet until the boats arrived. People and pups slowly started to get off and on, we stayed still and quiet until he had to leave. "Well, this is when we part, Rocky." He said as the wind blew across us.

"Yeah, will you come back?" I asked him. He looked at the sunset for a second and responded. "I can't, i can't come back knowing my family is destroyed. Over at NY i'll just be an inventor." He said, surprising me at the end. "I-inventor?" I asked. He nodded and placed a paw on my shoulder. "Just like you, kiddo. I'm sorry i treated you badly when you were all young, this was all my fault this happened." He said his fedora lightly brushed on my forehead.

I was just shocked, does my dad actually love me like his own son for the first time? "I have to go, say bye to everyone for me." He said he set down his paw. "Wait, you don't have to go." I said as he went inside the boat. He stood right at the door and he gave me a salute. "Don't worry, Rocky, i'll be fine and so will you." He said with a smile. The boat released a loud honk and the door where my dad was standing closed, making him unseeable.

"After i finally started to like him as a father, he leaves." I whispered as the boat honked again as it sailed to the horizon. The sun's bright setting rays hit against the bay, making it sparkle as much as glitter. When the boat was finally out of sight, i went back to the apartments. As i walked i suddenly felt more PAW Patrol-ish, like i even know what that means it's hard to explain.

I stopped and faced the camera and said. "Really, Love-Rocky15, why did you have to make this so god damn for me? You prick." I walked along as i went upstairs to my apartment. When i went inside my apartment, i saw Everest and my pups were still sleeping. I laid down with her quickly closed my eyes. I was slowly drifting asleep but then there was a knock on my door.

"Rocky, go get it please." Everest said softly with her eyes closed. "Alright." I said as i licked her check, making her giggle as a reaction. I got off the couch and i opened the door. My jaw dropped when i saw who it was. "Rocky who is it?" Everest asked i looked back at her with shock and said.

"Everest it's..."

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