Chapter 40: The Lair

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Ugh. Guys im like so stressed out rn... That's the struggle of dating a girl who's always getting bullied :/ like fuck man i just want to punch her bullies in their fucking slutty faces. RobertDelRosario4 . U know these people so i'm gonna say who these bitches are.

Dayna, Juliann, Alicia, and some other girl i doubt u know but i can't fucking believe you liked Juliann RobertDelRosario4 dude like fo real you should die for that. She's a BITCH and she's mean and she's just fucking UGLY man you have terrible taste. (Sorry i'm so FUCKING mad. So yeah if i make this chapter full of cuss words and violence and shit it's becuz i'm fucking pist.)

The pups have finally made it to the cabin they've found near Jake's Mountain. Let's see how shit fucking goes.

Chase pov

"Hurry the fuck up and open the door." I said with annoyance. "Fucking shit man don't rush me." Rusty said as he fucking finally opened the damn door. "Here we are." Spots said as he sprang right inside the stupid house. (From this point im writing 2 days later so the use of cuss words are reduced.) "Nothing's in here." Skye said as we walked inside the empty room. Rusty quickly checked his pup pad and re-tracked Rocky's location.

"That's because he's not here." Marshall announced as Rusty nodded. Kevin and Alan searched around the bare house. "Well where is he now?" Everest asked, holding her basket of pups. "Follow me, he's not too far." Rusty said as he walked out of the room. All the pups followed him but i stayed inside, something didn't feel right.

"You coming Chase?" Zuma asked, with the others waiting alongside him. "Yeah, just hold on." I said as i walked closer to the chimney. I sniffed around the area and i found a baggie of weed. "This was what caught my nose to be concerned." I said as i got the baggie. I showed the pups and i opened the baggie. "Bruh, are you serious? We don't have time for this." Marshall said as they all walked away.

"Soon, my sweet." I said as i put the baggie away in my pocket. I walked outside the cabin and closed the door. Hopefully, we can find Rocky.

Jackson pov

"Dumbasses, your friends are idiots." I told my stupid brother as i watched them search around the area. "Jackson, why did you do this?" Rocky asked. I chuckled and turned towards him. "I've proved robots with emotions are just as good. I probably might spare you, but it's dad i'm aiming for. I want to kill him, and now." I replied as one of my robots handed me iced tea.

"Thanks, Reggie." I said as i joyfully took a sip of my delicious iced tea. "No problem, sir, i'm glad you like it. Also, me and Parker were hoping if we could go to the hang out room." Reggie said, with human and pup emotions. "Ok, but not too long." I responded with a smirk towards Rocky. "Thanks sir!" He said with a excitement. He flew away and went inside the hang out room.

"Wow they really do have emotions." Rocky said in awe as he watched me sip some of my iced tea. Rocky was inside a box with holes for air and food and water. "Yup, only if dad could have seen before that they were equal." I said as i watched them discover my lair. "So, it's time." I whispered to myself as i shot a quick glance at the 'defense' button.

I pushed it and an alarm sounded. I watched as all my robots left from different rooms and towards the main exit/entry. "Good, go get them my sweet machines." I said as i watched them all leave the lair one-by-one with pride.

Marshall pov

We all swam into some weird cavern that was near by the water. "You really brought your pups with you?" I asked Everest as we got to shore. "Duh, lol i don't want to leave them alone there." She said as we entered the strange looking cave that tracked Rocky here. "What if Rocky's dead?" Spots asked as we ventured threw the scary and somewhat well lit cave.

"Don't say that!" Everest cried as she shot a worried look. "Well we just got to keep looking for him, he can still be alive maybe even fighting Jackson as we speak." Kevin claimed as we continued threw the cave. We suddenly heard an usual noise, nothing like a bat or anything. "What was that?" Skye silently whispered.

Then out bursted dozens of robots and they all headed straight of us all! We quickly dodged the first hoard but the next took us all down and tied us up. One of the robots got ahold of the basket full of Everest and Rocky's young pups. "No! Not my p-p-pups..." Everest said before she was knocked silent by a robot that had a cloth with ether on it, making Everest unconscious. "Man, this feels bad but it's captain's orders." A robot said as they all carried us deeper into the cave.

"Marshall." I heard Gaby whisper. I looked at her face and she was obviously worried, maybe for both us and Rocky. But i don't blame her for being concerned for Rocky, after all they are childhood friends. "Yeah babe?" I responded as we entered some weird looking place. "Are we gonna die?" She asked. I looked around and saw a huge lair of evil weapons and new prototypes of robots Jackson was planning on creating.

"No, Gaby, we're not gonna die, not today." I said as i punched the robot and kicked him towards the ground. The odd thing was, it didn't break at all it only was damaged but severely. The other robots quickly attacked me no problem and i tried fighting back but they were rock-hard. I didn't see any weak spots either! Then i felt a grand amount of pain on the back of my head.

Gaby pov

A robot quickly hit Marshall on the back of the head and he was knocked out cold! "Marshall!" I cried as they took him away to another room. They processed and we entered a room and there i saw...

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