Yandere SCP-682 x fem!reader

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I got bored so I decided to write this oh btw this was inspired by 3666h666666666 scp-682 x reader


Background info

Y/n has been in the fondation for 2 weeks now. She's become very traumatized due to the fact that she's seen a ton of people die in front of her but she does have 1 friend in the facility named Jack. Jack is nice to her and tries his best to keep her safe. Today in the cafeteria the guards are choosing who's going to interact with 682.

Now back to the story

Y/n was walking to the cafeteria when she saw her best friend Jack sitting down eating.
When he noticed her and he waved with his mouth full of food. She snickered and went to get food. And Once She did she sat in front of him and started talking.

"Hey y/n/n"

"Hey jack do you know why everyone look's more scared than normal?" The girl questioned.

"You don't know?! They're picking out someone to go into SCP-682 containment cell" he exclaimed in a yell like whisper.

"Which scp is 682?" She exclaimed confusingly.

"682 is a class keter-"

As he said that the guards suddenly started walking down behind all of the d-class. Everyone got quite all wishing that they didn't get picked. When the guard stopped right behind y/n.

"Get up!" the soldier ordered.

She immediately got up, She looked at her friend who was just standing there in disbelief.

The guard started to drag her to the exit when her friend shouted for her to be careful. When they were out they told her to get moving. Which she complied and started walking down the hallway. When they made it to the containment room they threw her in.

Before she was rudely thrown in a scientist gave her a microphone and told her to hold it up to SCP-682.

She looked up to see the reptile asleep. She then walked closer towards railing when suddenly the scientist yelled at SCP-682 to wake up. The girl cringed as the beast growled and opened his eyes. He looked at the d-class in front of him. He blushed as he looked up and down her.

'She's beautiful and her sent is so intoxicating she needs to be MINE' his thoughts were interrupted by the rude scientist causing him to growl.

"682 were going to do ano-"

682 suddenly used his tail to get you closer to him causing you to whimper. He started to sniff you and nuzzle you. He used his snout and put your hand on top of it.

Your eyes widened when he did that. Mostly because you realized he wanted you to pet him as you did he started to purr. It was super cute.


You flinch as the beast growled. "Why should I do that when she's MINE"

Both you and scientists were staring at the creature with wide eyes. The scientist shook his head and told the guards to get you.

You were still one the platform luckily as the guards came through with tranquilizers. You took it as a chance to run, you went past the scientist and went to the hall where you saw jack being escorted.

"Jack! Help!" You huffed out breathing heavily.

Luckily for you Jack's guards knew you and were nice to you and jack. The three looked at each other then ran towards you.

"Y/n what happened!?" They all asked in unison.

You explain everything while hugging jack with teary eyes when suddenly you guys all heard screaming, roaring, and tearing. Then You guys heard a siren saying Scp-682 breached containment. Scp-682 also opened up as many as scp cells as could while he followed your sent.

You guys noticed as 682 came bashing through the hall only to see you and jack hugging. Oh to say he was pissed was an understatement. He growled at jack and the two guards.

Jack tightened his grip on you as he started walking back. The two guards aimed their guns at 682. When 682 saw this he lunged at the two guards tearing them into pieces as jack started running with you down the halls.

Unfortunately for you two 682 is faster and pushed you gently into a wall with his tail as he got jack and ate him whole. Before he did jack yelled at you

"Y/N RUN!"

As you watched tears going down your face you screamed. This caught 682 attention as he turned his head to you. He moved his tail and got in front of you and licked your tears and said " Dont worry y/n I got rid of those other nasty humans will be together ₣ØⱤɆVɆⱤ."

The End

After that happened 682 got out of the facility with you. He took you to a cave where he trapped you there with him. You had no way to escape him because every time you tried he would find you. EVERY single time. Eventually you did develop Stockholm syndrome for the big guy. And you lived happily ever after...

Edit on every scp one shot this is what the reader looks like unless it's a boy or gender neutral

Edit: this was a pretty bad story but later in the one shots I get better at writing I promise

Edit: this was a pretty bad story but later in the one shots I get better at writing I promise

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