The weddings

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So because of a comment chain I made this monstrosity- I tired to make sense of everything that happened- also I added some parts for fun-

All the people in this story:






The first Wedding~

After going to hell Choco decided to marry Karma akabane. She invited her crazy friends to the wedding. Now as she finished getting ready she smiled. She was about to marry her anime crush and her dreams were coming true. Before she had started heading down the isle GD had finished throwing her flowers around and she stood next to the bride's maid. Then Choco started heading down the isle with Karma staring in shock at her beauty. She smiled beautifully in front of her about to be husband.

End started saying normal priest things before saying "We are all gathered here to witness the beautiful marriage of karma and Choco."

Everyone listened almost everyone smiling for the about to be husband and wife.

"Karma akabane, do you accept Choco as your wife, Till death do you part?" End asked.

"Y E S." Karma said.

"Choco, Do you take Karma akabane as your husband, Till death do you part?" End asked.

"Absolutely!" Choco said.

"Now does Anyone have any objections to this wedding? Speak now or forever hold your piece." End said.

A simp for Karma akabane was about to put their hand up but Kr noticed and put their hand down while pinching them and HARD.

"No one? Good." End said.

No one other than Kr had noticed the person about to put their hand up and they muttered things like 'Bootiful' and 'This is the most beautiful wedding ever.'

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" End said.

Ren handed both of them a ring before running off. They put the wedding rings on.

"You may now kiss the bride!" End said.

They had a short but loving kiss.

"Finally! I'm married to a sadist, this was a life long dream!" Choco said as they went to the party area.

Everyone said congratulations and were happy for the couple. (Except the simp-)

"LET'S EAT CAKE NOW!!" End yelled.


Choco and karma got a piece of cake from their separate wedding cake. End got a piece of cake before Ren magically inhaled the cake.

Currently choco had been laying face first into the cake and was now crying as she realized she wasted cake and karma being a good husband tried comforting her.

Meanwhile End inhaled the cake like no no snow. During this Ren remembered "Wait I'm still weed I can't eat this what did I just do?"

Scorch hearing the magical words W E E D and appeared again "WEED?!"

"scorch nO-" GD said.

That was the end of the first wedding this was the crackhead wedding.

The second wedding.

After seeing the first wedding GD wanted to marry her anime crush too! So she got the wedding planned and invited her crackhead friends now including Aw into the mix! Who was definitely not happy about being brought into this monstrosity of a group.

Now it was GD's turn to get ready. She smiled excitedly and headed out after Choco the flower girl did her stuff. Her fiance Sebastian Micheal's was tied up and forced to be there. He had a look that basically said 'Please save me.'

"Poor guy looks scared as hell." Ren whispered as GD walked towards them.

GD now stood in front of her about to be husband. Now that she was there End started saying the usual priest things before saying "Sebastian, do you take GD as your wife? You better say yes." End said with a whisper like growl at the end.

Choco took out a gun "That bitch better say yes or else."

The somehow scared demon butler said "I-I do."

"GD do you take Sebastian as your handsome husband?" End asked.

"Absolutely!" GD exclaimed.

Choco threw even more flowers everywhere.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!

We do not care if Sebastian has no consent to this." End said.

Since someone didn't give them the wedding rings Kr did.

Sebastian was forced to put his on but unfortunately for GD Sebastian refused to do the kiss part even with the threats.

"Holy shit someone's married to battsy!" Aw exclaimed

"AND I'M MARRIED TO KARMA!" Choco exclaimed trying to steal the spotlight.

GD hugged her husband who exclaimed "Someone save me-"

And that my friends was the end of the wedding.

I don't think I'm going to do the other weddings sorry-

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